
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ah, Christmas and such...

Well, I know I have totally been slacking on the updating of the blog, of late, but....I've been busy...sorry!

So, should I pick up where I left off or start from today and work backwards?? Decisions, decisions. Hmm...

Let's go ahead and get ESA out of the way:
Ok, so last update was at the close of Day 2 - the U of M Mixer night. Day 3 got of to a start circa 5:50am (I should have already been awake and getting ready by then...woops!) as we were all rushed out of bed to sound of the lovely...lulling...serenade of the Marriot fire alarm system. "Woooooooop! Wooooooooop! Woooooooooop!" {15-30sec pause} **Is it over?? Can we go back to bed?? Er...finish getting ready for that Women in Entomology Breakfast that starts in 10min??** "Woooooooooop! Woooooooop! This is not a test. This is not a test....Yada, yada, you know the rest." So, naturally, being a room/hotel full of scientists we all grab our precious laptops and cell phones, because everyone knows that our research is more important than our lives themselves, and start making our way out of our rooms (wearing as many layers as we can possibly grab in a timely manner) down the hallways to the emergency stairwells. {May I just make a note here? If you are on any level above, oh, say 4 or 5, you will probably not make it out of the building without at least suffering from some severe smoke inhalation - awesome.} We actually start smelling that awful smell of smoke **You've got to be kidding me! There's really a fire?!** It gets progressively worse as we get closer to the lower levels - I was on the 11th floor. We get down to the lobby and some people are going outside, others are just kickin' it in the sitting areas... **WHAT?! What is going on?!** No hotel staff to be seen...anywhere. So, we just kinda hang and figure there's no sense in freezing our toes off unless we really need to... Turns out there was a fire in the laundry room, which was in the basement. But it was put out within 3min. **Are. You. Serious??** The stairwells were all full of smoke and the elevators were still off, though so we couldn't go up to our rooms for a good 20-30min. By this time, I'm contemplating just skipping the breakfast, even though it runs 'til 8am...But, after making the trek up the still rather smokey stairs my better judgment told me to go ahead and get ready and venture out onto the icy streets of Indy {they really were icy that day - I'm not gonna lie, I really enjoyed walking around the icy city streets in the 6am hour...I think my future is looking most enjoyable.} and find the breakfast - networking, Heather, networking!

***Pause. Nightly ritual of LOST watching with the sibs commencing now. Post to be continued tomorrow.***

***My apologies for not finishing this when I said I would...I voted that spending time with my fam was more important for now.***

Oki doki, so I left off gallivanting around Indy circa 7am to find the Women in Entomology Breakfast. I made it to the breakfast and, sadly, the people I was going to meet with were not there...they had already left. Awesome. Also, there were no empty seats at any tables, so I was told to start a new table by myself. Sweet. So, I did...and no one else came after I got there. I felt super lame. (I was also the youngest person other undergrads/grad students wanted to get up that early.) After people started to filter out I was able to skooch over to another table and visit with some ladies. So, after eating my {*cough, cough* $15} oatmeal, I bundled up again and made my way across town with one of the ladies to the convention center to listen to some more talks on parasitoids and all that jazz that kind of makes my world go round. I then ventured down to the exhibit hall and presented my poster to peoples passing through who were interested - it's kind of like a grown-up version of a science fair. Then it was off to the plenary session with BM to listen to Mark Moffett - AMAZING! If you want to see some absolutely breath-taking photos I highly recommend you pick up a copy of his new book Adventures Among Ants. SO cool!! I actually got to meet him for a brief moment, shook his hand and everything. You can be jealous, I'll allow it. Then it was off to lunch with BM, KZ, R, & L. Then more talks. S and I made a run over to Johnny Rocket's for a quick snack before the Linnaean Games Finals (kind of like Jeopardy for Bug Dorks). Illinois ended up winning - they were RI-diculous!

That night was the Student Mixer. Lay-to-the-iz-ame... After being suckered into "ice breaker games" BM came and rescued me. Let me lay this scene out for you:
I'm walking across the dance floor (yes, dance floor) to ask BM if he has some matches (we needed them for the, ahem...scavenger hunt...).
To this he responds by taking hold of my arm and steering me to the other side of the room where the coat check is. "Get your coat. Put it on. We are leaving - I'm taking you out of here and we are all going to the pub."
At this point I'm in near shock out of shear gratitude, haha. I follow "big brother" BM's instructions and we all (including KZ, SR, JK, and some others) make our way out onto those still somewhat icy streets and head on over to Cladgagh Irish Pub. Is it wrong to call a pub heaven?? Well, it nearly was. The guys running the place were actually Irish {cooooool} and were so friendly and helpful. Giving suggestions on which brews were best and would fit our likes and which ones we probably wouldn't enjoy, etc. It was truly great. So, if you're ever in Indy and you have a free night make your way down to Claddagh at 234 S Meridian St. You will not be disappointed.

That pretty much closed the conference for us. BM & KZ and I went to a few talks Wed morning, grabbed some lunch with R and then parted ways. I had to hold my own and tell off this cab driver - when I say tell off, I mean I told him "no" like 30 times, no joke - on my way to the airport. I don't really like taking cabs with strangers...even if they are entomologists. I feel much better on a bus. It's probably somewhat irrational of me, since a bus is nothing but strangers, but whatever, I'm stickin' to my guns on this one. But! On the bus I did have a lovely conversation with an entomologist from NY and he was telling me about some teaching program options and stuff - it was really cool!

I hoped on the plane back to Houston and after having quite the time of trying to tell KB where I was so she could pick me up, we finally found each other and made our way to the Bunte home for some pizza and the SYTYCD finale.

Next morning I made the trek to CS to get ready for....wait for it....GRADUATION!!! After hangin' with Lu and D I tackled the disaster zone that was my room....oh, it was bad, friends. Bad. But, I got it done! Had a lovely 3 HOUR coffee date with KR - love her!
The fam, after quite the eventful morning, made it down to CS around 1. CH and I went to the Ento Graduate luncheon before heading out to my BBQ lunch with so many other wonderful friends and family. We had an absolutely lovely time at the BBQ. To those of you who were able to make it, thank you so much for sharing that day with me.

And THEN, my dear friends, and THEN it was time to....~~GRADUATE~~ Oh how marvelous that night was. According to my family, who were on one of the upper levels of Reed during the ceremony, I never stopped smiling and they could see it all the way from where they were. It was an especially exciting night because so many of my wonderful Aggies friends were graduating with me. It was really cool to get to see RA and BM get hooded for their PhDs, too - really special. After taking oodles and oodles of pictures with family and friends, Seaner & Shyla and CH and I made our way into Downtown Bryan to meet up with BM and KZ at Murphy's Law for some good pubbing time in celebration. Haha, after BM and KZ left S&S and CH and I stuck around to finish our brews and ended up doing the cupid shuffle all by ourselves on the German side of Muprhy' - was - awesome. A couple walking the streets stopped to watch us through the window. Can you say priceless??? Haha - it totally was.

Saturday held a full day of packing and apartment was essentially empty by 6pm. Impressive, eh?? We thought so! Mom, CH and the boys hit the road around 4pm. Once Dad, Sean & Shyla, and I decided we were done for the day we went out to grab some grub, some brew, and, of course, some Harry Potter!! We enjoyed a nice evening and hit the hay. Went to church next morning, grabbed some grub, and caravaned to Arlington with my CS home in a U-haul truck. It was really weird.

Everything happened so fast that weekend. I graduated, I left my home of 4.5 years, I left my friends, and moved back to Arlington. I moved back to Arlington. Never thought that would happen, temporary as this may be. It's still strange, this time of intermission, you could say. I know that living in my parents' study is not forever, but after being on my own for so long, it's just strange to be back. I know I'm here just for a "semester" and that this has nothing to do with failings or anything of that nature, but those thoughts do creep in, on occasion. It's dumb, I know, but it's simply my honesty here.

Anyways...CHRISTMAS!! Christmas was absolutely lovely. Having my big brother and his wifey here with us was absolutely wonderful - best Christmas present ever. We had the good fortune of getting to sit around all day and play games and watch movies and just hangout. It was awesome. I was sad to see them go yesterday, but I get to see them later in the spring for a whole month, and Sean at least will be back out the beginning on June for J-man's, that's weird to think about it: J-man is graduating from high school. Crazy.

Now my dear ones, I must close, especially since I have now written a novel of a post...sorry! It's time to finally get my day rolling and get ready to head on down to CS for TM's New Year's Eve Extravaganza!!! Can't wait to see everyone :)

Happy New Year! 2010 should be a fabulous one.


P.S. - I'm pretty sure I have found the building I want to live in when I get to MN. It - is - awesome. More on that later!
P.P.S. - Sorry for any typos...I don't feel like proofing this one today...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Ok, ok, so I know I didn't update on day 3 or 4...but I am insanely exhausted at this moment. I am, however, back in Tejas! I know you all missed me terribly ;) But, I haven't really been able to speak tonight, on account of the exhaustion, so I'm not even going to try and post...especially considering I have made about 20 typos in typing this (I think I caught them all as I was making them...I hope!). But, ehemmm...I graduate in less than 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and Sean and Shyla successfully {and safely} arrived in Texas yesterday - canNOT wait to see them and the rest of the fam. Now for some sleepy time in the comfy, cozy guest room of the Bunte Family :)



Monday, December 14, 2009

ESA Day 2

Even better than Day 1!!!

Met up with SW again at the U of M mixer....she says this to me, "You should wait to buy winter clothes until you move to Minnesota...we don't have sales tax on clothes, so it will be cheaper for you there than in TX." Umm, wow....I'm pretty sure that has to mean something good! She's absolutely lovely. And all of the faculty I met tonight were really fun. Met a few past students and they are all pretty cool too. Not near as rowdy as our Southwester Branchers, but you know...not everyone can be as awesome as southwesterners :)

Well kids, since the Women in Entomology Breakfast is tomorrow at 6 I need to get off to's already almost 11 here...ugh, I'm sleeeepy.

Love you all!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

ESA Day 1

Well, today has been a real success!

Went to a bunch of talks, met a bunch of new peoples...including...Da-da-da-daaaaah!!! SW!!! My potential new graduate advisor! And, she invited me to the U of M mixer Monday night - I'm stoked. I was also invited to the Women in Science 6am (**barf**) Tuesday morning...and naturally, I'll be attending since she will be there... But, oh, I am SO excited! She is absolutely adorable!! I really hope it all works out :)

Well kids, I hate to make this so short again, but I am off to bed, I go.

Lots of love!

Indy 500!

Well kids, I have made it to Indy!!! And it is awesome!

**Note: internet is hard to get ahold of here so, updates will be a bit more sparse than I had intended, but I'll do my best to keep you in the loop!

The weather is awesome! It hasn't snowed yet, but I have hope!! It's perfect wintery weather. Makes me excited to **potentially** move to Minneapolis next fall! Ah, life changes.

Well, sadly this has to be short, but I'll try to get on later this evening and upload some pictures and such.

Best of luck to my college kids heading into the rest of finals this week. You can do it!!


Friday, December 11, 2009


My goodness what a day.

Today I woke up and studied my brains out, well almost, for my LAST FINAL EXAM OF MY UNDERGRADUATE CAREER! I also contacted my bank about a weird transaction that showed up on my statement - it should all clear up in a few weeks - I love Wellsfargo. I then proceeded to Blinn College where I took that LAST FINAL EXAM OF MY UNDERGRADUATE CAREER after standing in line at the Learning Center for almost an hour...yeah, I stood in line longer than it took me to complete the exam. I took the supposedly cumulative exam (except that it wasn't...weird.) and scurried home to pack for Indy! Lu and I then had our little roommie Christmas time and it was awesome - I love giving gifts!!

After saying our goodbyes for a week of being apart, I hit the road to good ol' Cypress to see my dear, dear Kacydilla and JJ. They are amazing and will be rising with the sun (and myself) to take me to the airport. We will be leaving their lovely home circa 6am, which means I'll be waking up around 5am...lovely :) We will be stopping to get some Shipley's or sooomething, I do believe. I always love coming to visit them - they make me feel so much like family, which is awesome, because they are family to me. Yeah, pretty much they are just awesome. We had a lovely dinner (Kacydilla made baked ziti!) and closed the evening with a movie rental - thank you AT&T Uverse - in front of a lovely crackling fire - thank you JJ :) We rented Sunshine Cleaners. It was very different, but good, overall - definitely not kid friendly, though. Kacy and I decided that it leaves you with the same sort of feeling as Little Miss Sunshine does - you're not overjoyed, but you are sort of content, while slightly know, just one of those odd ones. We liked it, though.

Well, the two love birds hit the hay about an hour and a half ago...since I've been staying up 'til the wee hours lately, I am still awake...yay! I'm charging/syncing my ipod to help pass the time...and caught up on some email. I think I'm about ready to hit the hay myself. Eyes are finally getting a little heavy and have the beginnings of that sleep-deprived burn, yuuum.

I'm sort of lost in this weird limbo between the termination of my finals and the moment I walk that stage... Being completely done with my classes/exams and graduation being a week away makes graduation seem like just a dream that I'm not so close to attaining. It's so weird. It's like I'm about to drop out of reality for a moment by attending the ESA meeting while everyone else is still trucking along. Don't get me wrong, I put in my fair share of work by crunching to get all of my exams taken by today, but it still feels strange. I a way, I'm kind of sad to not be around for that last week of hell. Finals are always such awful yet fun times in the insanity that ensues due to intense sleep deprivation and overdosing on caffeine. Oh, memories. I will never forget finals my first semester, freshman year: Rach and I were pulling an all-nighter while Harpi slept soundly on the bottom bunk of their bed. Rach and I were SO ridiculously hyped up on Surge (please tell me that some of you share the sick love of this bottled potion of awesome that she and I do...) that we couldn't even sit still in our chairs! We were continuously shifting and jumping up, only to force ourselves to sit back down; there was, of course, the constant occasional glance-and-giggle profusely. **sigh** Those were the days. I miss being that young and carefree, sometimes. But, only sometimes. I am truly happy with where I am today. While I am not entirely thrilled to move into my parents' study - Mom & Dad, if you read this, I love you, it's just the moving into the study part - I am quite excited to have some free time again to read and visit with people and just enjoy existing. I am rather tired of the continuous go-go-go that has been my life the last 4yrs. The change of pace is much needed and will most certainly be enjoyed. I can't wait to start my reading list...I still need to actually compile the list that has been building in my head and put it on paper, but still...I'll have time to read again!!! This will be bliss.

Ok, I now have to face the day in about 4.5hrs, so I HAVE to close for now. I'll be updating throughout the conference, so get excited.

Indy, here I come!!

Blessings and Peace to you all!

P.S. - If it's not too much to ask, my family and I would greatly appreciate it if you could keep my Grandma and Grandpa in your prayers. Grandma just got home from being hospitalized and still has a lot of swelling and seeping in her legs; Grandpa just had surgery to have a catheter placed permanently. Also, my Aunt Deb went to the hospital today because she had a seizure (that might not be entirely correct, but it was something to that effect) and after a bunch of scans, cat-scans, etc. they found a mass behind her sinuses and sent her immediately to surgery. I haven't heard anything yet on how it all went, but I'm hoping that no news is good news... Thanks all!


Today I took my last final exam as an undergraduate at Texas A&M University....W.O.W

Weird feeling - really, really weird feeling.

I'M DONE!!!!! :)

Off to Indy I go - I'll try to blog while I'm there to keep you cool cats updated on the happenings in the land of ice (..and snow??? I can only hope!).

Ciao, bellas!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


MckMama is giving away an HP TOUCHSMART!!!

Go here to find out how you can enter: MckMama!

Also, I'm in bed by midnight!! Whoop!


Friday, December 04, 2009

Because I can and I need some comedic reprieve...

Some R&R for the start of the weekend that won't be too full of R&R. Enjoy!!

Today, I was stocking pop at the grocery store I work at. I was driving the cart with pop on it and then I almost ran over this little boy with a play gun, he gave me the 'I'm watching you' signal, I was kinda scared but kept working anyway. About 5 minutes later I was in the aisle and he came down. He pointed the gun and said 'bam bam!' I clutched my stomach and fell to the ground. I kept one eye open and saw the kid look at the gun, drop it and run away towards his mom. I win little boy, I win. MLIA

My job at college is to call prospective students and see if they're interested in attending our college. Today, I asked my boss if I could call them and use an accent. She said yes. Everyone else followed suit. Work just became a lot more entertaining. MLIA

Today, my dad and I were at Walmart. I randomly started yelling at the top of my lungs "I don't know you! Help, I need an adult!" and started running away. My dad ran after me with the cart, "Wait! I just want a hug!" I love you daddy. MLIA

Today, my mom told me that PMS is like a dementor. It sucks the happiness of everyone around, but chocolate makes it all better. MLIA

Today my phone told me that I got a text at 10:43. It was 10:39 when I got the text. I am officially getting texts from the future. MLIA

Today, I got a letter in the mail. Folded up inside a piece of paper was a 20 dollar bill. The paper said "You're probably low on money in this awful economy. Here's 20 bucks, please don't become a prostitute." Thanks, Grandma. MLIA.

Today, I learned that Texas has a Safe Cupcake Amendment that prohibits the banning of cupcakes. I'm glad my state understands the power of the cupcake! MLIA

Today, I was walking around Target and received a text message. My phone lost service when I tried to send my reply. So, I threw my phone up in the air, to get service, my message sent. MLIA

Today, my six-year-old neice and I went to the park. While we were there, a boy about her age comes over and tells her that she looks like Hannah Montana. She kicked him. I'm glad she knows when she's been insulted.

***This one is a gem!!!***
A week ago, I got a new cell phone number. The person who had my cell number before me apparently worked at some big power company and I was getting lots of calls from them asking me what they should do. I usually hung up on them, until yesterday when they called and said "Sector two is having difficulties." I told them to shut it down. They asked me if I was sure and I assured them I was. 2 minutes later the power in the town over went out. I feel powerful now.MLIA

Today, in biology class, we were have a pop quiz on genetics and dominant and recessive traits. We have to define a few terms, one being pureblood. For it's definition, I wrote 'opposite of mudblood. (Sorry Hermione)'. When I got the quiz back, my teacher had given me half points for the question. To the side, he wrote 'Don't EVER use that word again' and underlined mudblood. MLIA.

Today, I wasn't prepared for a test so I had my identical twin sister go to my class and take it for me. My teacher didn't even notice the switch. My mom is the teacher. MLIA.

Today at church, three babies were dedicated. After the pastor dedicated the babies, he said, "The choir is behind us and I don't think they really got a chance to see the babies. If you would hold them up, like the Lion King, that would be great." All three sets of parents immediately held their child up above their heads. MLIA

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did - I'm still laughing.

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