
Sunday, September 20, 2009

One week closes and yet another opens...

So here we are ending the 3rd week of the semester and beginning the 4th. W.o.W. Can you believe how quickly this semester is going already?? I mean granted, we aren't even half-way through the semester yet, but still: Week 4!!!

I'm getting more and more excited and yet more and more terrified of graduation. Everyone told me I would feel this way; but, me having MY plan in hand was certian as to how my life was going to play out this semester, so I had nothing to fear! WRONG! MY plans did NOT pan out and now I have EVERYTHING to fear!! Oh the irony... It would be real nice if God could just drop me a post and reveal to me the plan He has for me...even just for the next 2-3yrs. Somethin'. How awesome would it be if God really did work that would be a cake walk! You would get little posts dropped on your doorstep or flying out at you from your fireplace (that's for you my Harry Potter nerds) that would say little things like: Today you are going to be tempted to go party it up with your friends and not study - don't do it. Or: Go fill out this application, have these 3 people write you letters of recommendation, and turn itall in by such and such date and you are set for your immediate future following graduation. On second though: How boreing would that be?!?!

Well, all-in-all this week was pretty grand. Busy, but good. Had my first Hope Group on Monday with the amazing Freemans and it was truly a blessing - I'm excited to see the Lord work in all of us and bring revival to our hearts this semester...makes me wish I could stick around for a bit longer :( First round of exmas seems to have been fairly least don't think I failed anything; always a plus. Breakaway, as usual, was fantastic. Second UESO meeting of the semester was, ehh, alright - the speaker kinda killed it, but we had a ton of new peeps, so that was awesome!! Mountain biking was fun, even though we didn't get to hit up the trails: we worked on bunny hops and roll-overs. The roll-overs I have pretty well, but the bunny hops, not so much - it's pretty sad, really. I just don't have the upper body strength for it. I'm working on it, OK?!?! :) Friday I got to visit with the cousing and his lovely family in Austin/Round Rock area, which was amazing; it had been too long since I had gone to visit them. Saturday I had lunch with my bestie, Miss Elaine soon-to-be Ponder, on my way back to CS which was fabulous! I do miss her terribly. Today had an awesome church time, had lunch with my fellow [graduated] bug-dork, Stephanie, and CLEANED MY BIKE!!! Lunch with Stephanie was great since I never get to see her - being that she is in San Antonio. And cleaning my bike was surprisingly fun! I did it with my new friend Jimmy (from mountain biking) - it took us forever since we hadn't really cleaned our bikes before, though his is newer than mine so it didn't take him as long; either way it was good times.

Now, my loves I am off to study for this new week. Blek. I'm so over studying: worst case of senioritis EvEr.


P.S. - BigBoy just decided it would be a good idea to lick up some of my chicken spaghetti (which I made with HOT Rotel this time...) and now he can't stop licking his lips. Poor kitty; I told him not to do it...I turn my back for ONE minute and disaster strikes!


Josh said...

we have a bunch of old bikes sitting in our garage that we're going to clean off, try to fix what we can and sell. If you want to come show us the right way to clean you are more than welcome! ;)

Josh and Ricci said...

Poor Big Boy.

Miss Willow said...

Ha, yes, Josh I can show you the ropes to bike cleaning - it's not too tricky.

P.S. - to everyone: sorry for all the typos in this post...I was crazy tired when I did it and totally didn't take the time to edit it. My baaaad.

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