
Monday, February 08, 2010

Birthdays to Boy Scouts

Hello my happy readers. I trust you are all fairing well on this {for me} gloriously rainy Monday. I do apologize for having not updated in a's just been one of those know, the kind of week where you just don't want to do anything and so you don't and thus have nothing to report and your brain is kind of void of any form of coherent thought...yeah, it was one of those.

So, Tuesday was my birthday, and I must take a moment now to thank each and every one of you who took the time to call/txt/email/facebook me to send me your thoughts, wishes, and love - definitely made my not so thrilling day a blessed one. This was a very strange birthday for me. For as long as I can remember I've had friends around either day of, or shortly there after, to celebrate with me...and, for the first time in my 23yrs I didn't have any of my beloved friends with me. Don't get me wrong, being with my family was definitely nice, but this birthday made me really realize how dearly I love my friends, and that they have truly become my family, and I miss them all dearly. So, I have been in a bit of a funk about that... This is no tantrum about not having a party or something ridiculous like that, this is simply my heart-breaking realization that I miss my friends much more than I thought I did. Thinking about all of this and reflecting then lead me to a terrible realization: next year is going to be even worse!!! I don't know anyone in MN...oi, if I thought this year was bad, I won't even have my family with me next year. I'd better toughen up and put on my big girl pants now, eh?? Ugh...can I just stick all of my friends in my pocket or a tupperware container and take them with me??

Well, that said, I must admit that I've been a little off this week, due to all the above..err...dwellings, I suppose we could call them. But, my family was so great. The Mamma made me dutch pancakes like she used to do when I was in high school...I did have to get up at 6:45 to partake with the fam, but it was totally worth it. The Mamma and I proceeded to munch on the leftovers throughout the rest of the day - heavenly! And then...I spent a rather hefty part of my afternoon {J-Hump, please overt your eyes...} window shopping online with Miss was awesome...we had so much fun! My evening consisted of a Valentine's Dinner Prep Meeting, followed by Bible study, and finally, my ultimate birthday present: the Season Premier of LOST!!! The only thing that could have made that better would have been being with all my peeps at the LOST party down in CS...I was definitely there in spirit.

Probably one of the best things I did last week was dig my rickety, I mean lovely old bike out of the garage give it some TLC and take it on a nice little 3mi ride. Nothing, huge, I know, but it was beyond great to take it out for a spin and do some work on it...I also discovered, that much as I had suspected, I am severely, severely, out of shape...working on remedying this situation :)

I did finally get my new phone on Friday! Oh, I am so in love with it...I have named him Reuel. Can anyone guess where that comes from?? You get a gold star if you can figure it out. :D

Saturday was quite a full day: took Faja to the airport, had a morning visit with Gela, Alyssa, and Samantha - that was simply delightful, had a mid-day coffee date with Lu - also wonderful. And then, my dear ones...I did it...I - CLEANED - my room!!! I still hadn't unpacked everything from moving up here in December...awful, I know. But it is now done, and it is awesome. Have some pictures us, and everyone seems to be happy. Mid cleaning though, I stopped to have a spot of tea and lost it...the missing all of my friends and not seeing my here-friends very often and not having a job/outlet finally got to me and I broke down. I simply felt lonely even though I had seen a ton of people that day, that might have been enough to put me over the edge. I felt better after allowing myself to put a label on what I was feeling instead of just pushing it under the rug and pretending like nothing was wrong. This is hard...that's about all there is to it.

Anyways, congrats to the Saints on their Superbowl win - props, kids. Although, I must confess that I boycotted the game with KT and went to Borders instead. It was nice to visit and sympathize with each other about feeling lonely.

But, now a new week has begun and it's off to a crazy start! Tonight I will be undertaking the task of teaching the local Boy Scouts of America troop guessed it, BUGS!! I'm really excited about this, but pretty nervous, this will be my first outreach education endeavor all on my own. I brainstormed with KReddick last night and got some awesome ideas on organizing it all and cuing in to how the kids are responding to the subject matter. So, for the rest of today I will be polishing that up and getting ready for the kiddos! I had intended on taking another bike ride today, but the forecast is for, which I love just not when I had planned to be active. Ah well, such is life.

Best wishes for the new week to you all!



T said...

Lovey. I love you. I miss you. I won't elaborate or I might cry.

I'm so excited you're teaching the kiddos about "bugs"!! They will ADORE you...all those little boys. Man, you are sooooo cool in their eyes..and in mine! ;-)

Phone date soon?


Topher said...

Mademoiselle Cummins,

I absolutely LOVE you and this particular blog!! I might still be here in CS, but I can relate to you EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Loneliness IS a part of life, but why must we experience it?! lol I think about you on a regular basis FYI and I very much enjoy your updates. I WILL get into this whole blogging lifestyle and be more proactive in that sense, in due time of course!!

Good luck tonight with the Boy Scouts, you're going to be AMAZING!!! I know you're going to really have sooo much fun and they're going to love you!!!

Until next time,

skatej said...

I think by the end of it you will be the object of several little boys' affections. They shall talk unceasingly of "the big lady" and how she taught them about jeweled beetles or somesuch. (I saw a bunch of resined bugs in jewelry and the beetles were the main ingredients.)

As for loneliness, here is what I did: I made friends with the ladies at the nursery, I guilted my other 2/3 into hanging out with me on the rare occasion, and I tried to volunteer(which I think you would enjoy). And hold up, you don't think that by February 2, 2011, you will have made ANY friends in MN? That is not the miss willow I know. Not at all! I think that you will be so full of love from all the people you meet that on your birthday you will have to double-bolt your door and put a dresser in front of it for good measure to avoid the onslaught of good wishes from your northern friends. You will call me on your birthday to ask about any information I may have on alternate means of egress (because we all know I'm the go-to girl for that sort of thing) and I will instruct you on how to climb out of your window and run to the nearest coffee shop or police station, of course in a disguise.
They will love you up there. I know this because we love you down here.

Kacy said...

Remind me when you're coming to visit?

Marisa_A said...

Loneliness is extremely hard, I know. I experience it here in Cali everyday. You are NOT alone!! I love YOU and I am looking forward to your visit, missy!

*Note: The comment that I deleted had SO many typos, I couldn't stand it! LOL!

Miss Willow said...

Oh how I am blessed to have so many amazing people in my life - God is SO good to me.

T - I understand completely...I have contemplated writing you a letter/note something professing my deep unending love for you, but everytime I end up stopping myself because I know I will cry once I get going. Haha, my we are a mess!! But yes, phone date soon FOR SURE!

Topher - You always have a knack for brightening my day, even when you are hundreds of miles of way...I think about you often as well, my dear one. I'll be in town next week, we should get coffee!!

Skate - Thanks for being an awesome mom, while still being my awesome friend from high school, through college, and now grad school. I adore you. Thanks for the amazing encouragement. I'll def be calling you for tips on es-cap-e!

Kacy - not this weekend coming, but the next. The weekend following your day of birth :)

Mari - Darling girl, I love that we can keep up (better than we did in college - while we were in the SAME town!!!) through our blogs, and sympathize with one another. I love your initiative and your will to succeed out there in Hollywood. You definitely inspire me. I'll let you know when I make it out there!

Marisa_A said...

Haha! Isn't that crazyyy?! I know more about what's going on in your life now than when were in school! Silly how that happens, but I love the extra shoulder God has provided for me through you even though we are far apart :)

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