
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Campus Closed 'Til Noon Due to Winter Storm...


This calls for a blog update, 'cause even getting half of a snow day is completely off the heezy!

We had this huge random winter storm blow through today that covered up all of the green grass that has peeking through the melting snow this last was depressing to see it all covered up again...but it was (mmm,'s definitely still's been snowing since about 4 or 5am) a good snow and now we get a half of a snow day!!!  Whoop!  Thank you Mother Nature for making your winter storm worth it  :)

I feel like I need to clarify something from the last post, real quick, before I forget  :)  I am not miserable and the world is not raining down on is simply busy, in so many wonderful ways.  Unfortunately, the research world doesn't allow for too much saying, "no" to things, and being a grad student still requires you to be a functioning human being in society...  Like I was talking with Jake today, we keep ourselves busy as we are expected to work on our research full-time, be full-time students, and still be contributing members of society (i.e. - maintain a healthy social life...seriously, profs ask us about that stuff and always tell us to make sure we do things that aren't research or homework, too.).  So, we all kind of have three full-time jobs.  Neat  ;)

But life really is pretty darn legit here.  I really can't complain, other than being far away from a lot of people I love.  But...such is life...we aren't all called to live in or around the same city we grew up (or to even grow up in just one city, for that matter), so, for those of us who get to move around from time to time, we learn to roll with the punches.  And, really, moving is a blast.  I mean, the process is crumby, but the results are generally awesome - you at the very least learn incredible amounts about a lot of things.

Anywho, I am tired after a pretty solid weekend, and so I will leave you with some picturas of life here  :)


Megan made me some AWESOME red velvet cupcakes!

Jake sent me some absolutely gorgeous orchids  =)

Everyone got together and threw me a surprise bday dinner party!!



Haha...oh man, this one gets me every time.

And this one.



It was an awesome night - thanks so much, kids!

And now, I am off to bed.



Jake said...

Howdy lovely,

Why didn't you include the picture of you and your eighty pound bowfin? ;) I know that juggling that many full time jobs must be really draining and I am so impressed that you are managing so well.

I know there are times when you wear but, you have figured out that you have a great God to lean on and get you through the really rough parts.I am not worried at all. Enjoy your half day, Heather! I will talk to you soon.


Happy the flowers made you smile!

Rebecca said...

Ice fishing...LOVE it!!

Anonymous said...

WHoo Hoo Heather! Happy 1/2 that it is said and done, hope it was a good one! I love the pics, you look so happy! Love your smiling face and all your friends too. Keep doin' what you do oh so well and remember your knees (when it gets tough! :)
Love You.

Brian said...

Wow! Heather, I love the ice fishing your cheeks hurt? Not from the cold but from that HUGE smile on your face...awesome picture....I also noticed the chop sticks :-)

Love ya,


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