
Thursday, May 20, 2010

My love affair with HONEY...

Yes, it's true...I am involved in a serious love affair with honey. Are you aware of how wonderful this stuff is?? And, let's be clear here, I am not referring to the honey most of us find in our everyday grocery stores...that stuff has been so overcooked and "sanitized" to the point that it no longer possesses the precious elixirs it has naturally. No, I'm talking about that delectably delicious, gorgeous raw, unprocessed, local honey that you can get in some grocery stores, but will mostly find at your farmer's markets or places like Whole Foods.

I've always been a fan of using honey as a natural allergies queller, but I'm not so good at being diligent when it comes to that 1-2tbs a day would think it wouldn't be difficult to remember to lap up that yummy goodness every day...but, alas, I generally forget to do it half the time - we'll see how bad allergies end up being for me in the Frozen Tundra :]

But here is where I have fallen head-over-heels, get ready for this one, kids:

Honey makes the best face mask eVeR!

I'm just sayin'....

So listen to this: You take a couple tablespoons of honey and add 3 or so tablespoons of cinnamon to it...aaaand then add a couple tablespoons of nutmeg to that and you have a recipe for the most divine, soothing, skin perfecting face mask on the face of the planet. Spread that amazing mixture all over your face and then sit back and relax for 30min to an hour...amazing. (Some people like to leave this on over night, in which case you can stick some toilet paper to your face so the honey doesn't get all over everything. I haven't done this, 'cause, with my luck, I'll still get it all over my pillow and sheets or something.)

This is my little nightly ritual of awesome:
  1. Wash my face using the OCM, which I love as well.
  2. Follow that up with a nice little exfoliating sugar scrub (every few days). This is just a simple blend of granulated sugar and brown sugar; pour a little onto your fingertips add a touch of water and gently massage it around your face...niiiice.
  3. Now that my face is all clean and my pores are nice and open I slather my honey mask all over the place (yes, it is messy but so worth it)...and laughing promptly ensues as that orange-ish-brown face that I end up with always looks funny. Small price to pay ;)
  4. Finally, I brew myself a little mug of tea, usually chamomile or some other soothing brew and sit back with a book and settle down for the night.
  5. 30min to an hour later (depending on how tired I am, but never less than 30min) I rinse it off with warm water and follow that up with a splash or two of cold water to close up my pores for the night.
BEST NIGHTLY RITUAL EVER...for serious. isn't a big deal if you get a little on your lips cause, yep, it's just honey, cinnamon, and nutmeg...basically dessert, haha.

I will say one thing, though: I would test this out before covering your face with it. Some people can have an allergic reaction to one or all of the ingredients...I didn't/don't, but I'm not allergic to any of those ingredients on any level. If you are uncertain how you will react and don't want to risk some sort of reaction just test it out somewhere inconspicuous and see what happens.

This particular recipe is great for soothing acne-prone/scarred skin...I have noticed a serious difference after going through this ritual regularly (I've missed a few days here and there, but this week I've been totally on the ball!). My skin is much smoother, my skin hardly seems to get oily anymore (WHOOP!), acne is chilling the heck out (finally!), and my skin just looks and feels healthier in general.

I'm a huge fan.

Back to my love of honey for a sec before I close: there are all kinds of recipes you can use for different needs you might have. One article that has some good stuff is this one if you're interested in trying something else. You can put oatmeal in it, eggs, lemon, whatever your facial needs are, pretty much.

Yeps, so there you have it...I'm in love with honey. I think this relationship will be long-lasting.

And with that, I'm off.



♥ S. said...

I am totally trying that out this weekend! I've tried everything but prescriptions for acne and scars, and have always feared natural/homeopathic remedies...what if they make it worse?! But it it helped you AND took away the oily, it's definitely worth a shot! Thank you, ma'am...I'll let you know how it works!

Stephen Powell said...

I LOVE honey as well, though I must admit I don't think I would have the patience to keep the mask on long enough without proceeding to lick it off my face hahaha

Miss Willow said...

Sarah: Yes, it's isn't an overnight fix, but if you keep up with it I think you might see some nice results. And, I am all about home remedies...what can I say? I am truly a hippie at heart ;) Can't wait to hear how it goes for you! Oh! If you have some really troublesome spots you can use the mask as a spot treat (just leave it on while you do whatever you have to do around the house) on days when you don't have to go out...or else you could just go out with honey on your face...up to you! Haha.

Stephen: Let me tell you it is SO hard to not lick it all off! Haha. But it's worth it! Even though you're a guy you still deserve a little R&R at the end of the day ;)

Kacy said...

So cool! And I've always thought you have GORGEOUS skin. Thanks for sharing your tips & tricks!

Miss Willow said...

So welcome, Kacy, love! My skin's gone a little bonkers of late...yay...haha.

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