
Saturday, May 29, 2010

School is coming to a close

Wow, the boyos have one more week (well, technically they just have Tues-Thurs...) of school and then they are free for the summer. For the J-Man, he will not only be free for the summer, but will be free of high school altogether! WOW. I know I probably sound somewhat like a broken record lately, but seriously, how is it that time can fly so quickly?

It feels like just yesterday that the three of us were gallivanting around the old farm house in IN collecting moss, tracking raccoons and gophers, and running through the corn fields. Or running around the cotton fields in south TX and hoarding random rusted out pieces of farm machinery and old nuts and bolts in our water tower fort. {yes, you read that correctly, be jealous} Not to mention our adventures in Panama...monkeys, red squirrels, hiking through the rainforest, pipa, making awesome "independent films" with Seaner. Ah...memories.

And now it's off to this production for J-Man or that concert for Fariz (aka: C-Fizzle, haha, I love my brothers) camps and comps, theatre camps and comps...etc, etc. CrAzY! When did they grow up?!

It's one thing to cope with Fariz closing out his sophomore year, but it's another to cope with J-Man's high school graduation. I mean, really...he's still 5yrs old, promise. But they both really are growing up and I need to suck it up and accept it and embrace it. I am so beyond proud of them - if you can't tell. From the time they were itty-bitty they have both been go-getters. Timid at times, but always outgoing. They have dabbled in sports and the arts, and are both superb students. I absolutely cannot wait to see where their lives take them. At this point they both want to further their studies in theatre and band, independently. I'm excited to see what that looks like for them.

I'm all nostalgic because last night was C-Fizzle's last concert of the school year (with the exception of graduation, but that doesn't exactly's not as fancy as his jazz band concerts)...and possibly the last concert of his I will see for quite some time - thanks, Frozen Tundra. {bitter-sweet} And the Wee Ones had all of their banquets and award ceremonies last week and this week, and I'm pretty sure I've cried at every one of them...especially J-Man's theatre banquet - blast the emotions that come with the close of senior years!!!

And, I love these kids' friends - they are just fun, and I feel like most of them would have been people I would have been friends with in high school. They are just neat bunches of kids. And all extremely talented in one way or another.

So very, very proud of you kiddos. Keep up the good work!

Fariz's Band Banquet

J-Man's Theatre Banquet


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