
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Wata, wata...and chickens!!

Soooo sorry for the crazy long time between posts...myyyy bad. I needed a little break...and I was busy in CS all last week ;)

So, what are we going to talk about today?? Water...and some chickies.

So...have you ever stopped and thought about how many plastic water bottles you we throw away yearly, monthly, weekly...daily?? Take a look at this article posted on MSNBC March of 2005 (you can imagine how much the numbers have changed in the last 5 years). The numbers are astounding... Sure, we use recycled plastic water bottles to make lots of stuff, but the article makes a good point when it says that, "
...most bottled water is consumed away from home, usually at a park, in an office or even while driving — areas where there's usually no recycling." So true...think about it. Where are you when you usually guzzle down that "crystal clear" water? Where there isn't a recycling bin...there is an astounding number of homes that aren't equipped with recycling bins either... Problem? I'd say yes. So...what are we to do about this? Buy sturdy, long-lasting water bottles! I know, I know there is always the scare of purchasing a long-lasting plastic water bottles because of the fear of BPAs (this is also popping up in aluminum bottles) your research before you buy it, kids - most bottles now-a-days will tell you right on the package if they are BPA free; if you don't believe them do some digging around on the interwebs...take like 15min and check stuff out before you buy it. BUT, if you want something totally risk-free, then I'd say you are making excellent use of your time in reading through this blog post right now!! Check this out:
Pangea Water Bottles and Klean Kanteens are both eco-friendly companies that make 18/8 food-grade stainless-steel, reusable, recyclable, sturdy water bottles!
Pangea's mission is to take profits from their water bottle sales and drill water wells in developing countries so that the people in those communities can have clean water essentially at their fingertips! They won't have to walk miles to just get some sort of water (usually dirty) allowing them to go to school, work, and so much more. Not to mention that these wells go deep so the water is clean, which means less chances of illness, which means fewer premature deaths!! What an awesome idea, yah? AND, for you Texans, it was founded right down/across/up the way in Waco by a Baylor grad - cool.
Klean Kanteen has been around for quite a while now. They started in 2004 in Chico, CA (Plug for my Chico readers!). Their story is pretty cool in that it was a group of Chicoans (what doooo you call yourselves??) putting together resources from a local hardware store to make their own eco-friendly reusable water bottles. Neat!! Their little business has absolutely exploded into a ginormous global name - while still maintaining fair labor standards that are important to the heart of their business. Props, kids, props.
Sooooo...if you're in the market for a non-earth killing water bottle (which we all should be...hello stewardship of the earth...) check these two companies ooooout! Both have great heart and ideas. Take care of our world and it's peeps, yo!

Now, for the chickies! So, not sure if any of you keep up with the Organic Consumers Association (you should), but they posted this video today and I had to share it:

So yeah...think about it. Think about those chickies you are gobbling up and where they come from - remember my post referencing Josh's Food, Inc. post?? This is the same concept.

Hokay! G'night!


P.S. - check this out!! Crazy that buying raw milk via milk clubs could become illegal...


Anonymous said...

Very very interesting. Another thing, we PAY for water bottled water... Even CS water isn't that bad. Not great, but not bad.
We're pretty big wasters here, huh?

carriehammie said...

I'm spoiled. I like bottled water. It is very convenient, and water always tastes funny out of a reusable water bottle, particularly metal bottles. I realize it's probably mostly psychological. I am trying to break my habit of being wasteful. hmmm. But I'm such an American.

Miss Willow said...

Mak: yup...crazy. I mean, I get the convenience factor and all that, but yes, it's pretty ridiculous, especially since most bottled water comes from a tap!! Ozarka does NOT come from the Ozarks, lol.

Car: Haha, I know...but the nice thing about these bottles being food grade steel is that they won't make your water taste funny :) Being American can be such a curse!! Haha.

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