
Monday, October 25, 2010

Can't focus? And, so I blog :]

It's going to be a long night...I absolutely cannot focus tonight.

Lots o' stuff running through my head:
--I miss my family
--I miss my friends
--I miss Texas
--How long 'til Christmas break? {~9wks!!!}
--Why can't I focus? {no clue}
--I need to drink more water {y'all, it is SO dry here - I feel like I'm turning into a human raisin}
--How on earth am I going to get everything done this week?
--Music is the best
--Jesus is better - SO MUCH BETTER
--When can I go to Africa? {waiting is the pits}
--Can I survive another 34mo in the FT?
--Care packages are the best {Jesus is still better!}

I got a care package from my parents today!! Well, technically it came on Friday, but I wasn't able to pick it up until this morning...oh the joys of leaving before your apartment complex office opens and coming home after it closes...

BUT! My parents rock - thank yas, Momma and Daddy! They sent me some stuffs I inadvertently left in the TX, along with some extra goodies :)

Jake's water bowl!!! I somehow left it in TX, so poor Jakers has been eating and drinking out of the same bowl... Now he has two bowls!!

Some of my movies!! Still missing a number of them, but these will get me
through 'til I can collect the rest at Christmas!!

A TON O' MOLESKINES!!! Best parents ever? I think yes.
Just behold the beauty before your eyes!

MA BOOTS!!!! Ok, I have missed these SO much...
Ah, my sweet hiking boots...I cannot wait to introduce you to the Frozen Tundra :)

Bonuses! My mommy knows me all too well - I now have something like
4 honey can never have too much honey :]

Oh, hai!

This is some of what I did last night and today
(along with some sketches...always sketches):

Hi there, pretty! May I dissect you?

Why thanks :)

How about you? Sweet, looking forward to it.

Ok, loves, that's all for now - I'm going to try and finish up my assignments for tomorrow morning's class...morning will be here all too soon...



Katy {and Kahler} said...

Don't you LOVE care packages?! i described them to Kahler as "love in a box". :)

praying for you over the next few weeks as you wait for Christmas! i know everyone back home will be happy to see you, as you'll be happy to see them!

And Africa... I know some people you could visit. ;)

Mom and Pop Pry said...

Sometimes the things we see in the rear view mirror distracts us from where we are in the moment and what is just ahead. It is hard to stay focused on the present (while a different meaning, present is also a gift...a gift is not a 'deserve', but an undeserved, unmerited treasure given by one ..The One.. who really cares about you) when the call of the past (the place you are not presently in) is so strong, so comfortable...and so in the past. Memories tend to be more attractive when we are in an perceived undesirable place. And time is so fickle: it passes too quickly when we are enjoying life and living, and drags like an anchor when we are in pain/turmoil/'bondage'. I have no solutions, rather I'd encourage you to stay in the moment, drink all it has to offer, be grateful for it, for it too will pass.

It is very easy to look back over the last month, but seeing to this next week-end is nearly impossible, becasue we have to pass through and consume every minute, yet we can 'time warp' through the past. We can read the entire account of Jesus' life in a couple hours, he had to live all thirty three years... And didn't the people on the road to Damascus really miss Him...maybe realizing they failed to drink in every moment with Him.

While the FT is C L E A R L Y NOT Texas, it is where you are in this time, for a reason, for a purpose greater than the divine Miss Willow (hard to imagine; do not let homesickness and missing friends and familiar surroundings blur your focus/purpose/calling.

When you stub your little toe on the coffee table at 3:00 in the morning it is hard to focus on anything other than your little toe in the moment. And at this moment I am guessing you are smiling recalling such an instance of smacking into a coffee table: wondering just WHO put that coffee table there and forgetting why you were walking through the living rooma at 3 AM. If you are smiling, you must remeber it as a pleasant experience, right? Absolutely not, but while you remember the incident, your little toe is not also recalling the pain of that moment...

So you are where you are supposed to be. You will be home at Christmas and be with the ones you love, in the place you love and have stories to tell of the FT. Drink in those moments as they will warm your heart in the future ...just as you warm our hearts with your descriptions and details of WHERE.YOU.ARE.RIGHT.NOW.

Pop Pry

Miss Willow said...

Katy, love: care packages are TOTALLY love in a box!! That's the best description ever - right on the nose :) ...Sigh...I wish y'all were coming home for Christmas so I could give you the huge hug that just keeps getting bigger and bigger as it waits to be given to you. Thank you so much for your sweet prayers. And, I would totally RUN to Africa to visit y'all if I could...but those plane tickets, man, they'll get ya on a grad student's earnings :(

Pop Pry: Thank you. I don't know all that well what else to say, other than "thank you." Your encouragement means the world to me and your placing things in perspective is much appreciated. Sometimes I need those, thank you ever so much :)

Momma Clarke said...

Praying for you. :)

skatej said...

I need your address. TOTALLY unrelated to the post.

Mom and Pop Pry said...

Keep looking toward the prize, sweet girl. So many people don't have what it takes to accomplish what you've already done and I'm sure you have many dreams that don't have anything to do with school. I'm praying that you will be able to hear God's voice, whatever direction he sends you, and that you will find joy and fulfillment there.

Can't wait to meet you, look in your eyes, and give you a big sqeeze, Precious.

Now, go get'em!! :) MomPry

Katy {and Kahler} said...

Yeah, those plane tickets will get you on ANYONE's earnings! (grad student= about the same boat as a married couple living off of ONE INTERN income... ha!)

And as far as your dryness goes- TOTALLY understand. Except as your dryness gets colder, ours gets hotter! I feel like I'm boiling water all day long and we're still always running out! Be thankful you can drink from the tap!

Love and miss you and can't wait to hug you either, friend! :)

Miss Willow said...

Clarkes: Thank you!! Can't wait to catch up at church on Sunday!

Skate: I love you and I'm on it! :)

Mom Pry: Your comments always make my day - your encouragement is so precious to me. Thank you for having so much faith in me!!

Katy!!:Oh my goodness, I can just imagine you standing over the stove pleading with that pot of water to boil faster...we'll have to ponder some way to boil larger quantities of water so you can maybe just do one big batch that will at least last a day...I'll get back to you on that!

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