
Monday, October 04, 2010

Welcome home, Yoshi!

Well, my loves, this will be short (I still have a good 2-3hrs of homework to finish and it's 10pm...gross.), but I just wanted to you let you all know that Yoshi made it home safe and sound this afternoon. He arrived on my doorstep at 1:33pm, according to the UPS tracking updater. So awesome. This is where I really enjoy having a secured entry apartment building...and being all the way down in the corner of my floor where it looks like there couldn't possibly be an entire apartment :) I spent a good portion of my evening getting him all re-configured to my liking. I still have some work to do in that area, but that will have to wait until another day...the essentials are in place: Mozilla, iTunes, Microsoft Office, Skype...the big ones. I have so missed being able to run my Pandora stations whilst studying, working around my little home, that's a HUGE bonus. I've been rockin' the iPod the last couple of weeks without my little laptop buddy.

I currently cannot breathe, yay cold and flu season. It hits early up here...awesome. It was recommended to me today by SW that I get my flu shot...I hate getting flu shots. I just don't like it. I don't think I'm going to get one. I generally don't come down with the flu...I get colds here and there, but the flu I usually bypass. So, I think I'm going to stick to my no-vax rituals. Momma, what do you think??

Finally got to meet up with SW and talk moths today! SOOOOO good. I'll have to share more about that tomorrow or Wednesday or something (Tuesdays are way long days...).

This weekend was amazing: dog parks, errands with the pup, Skype (at the lab!!), church, homework, friends (old and new) - it was just plain good. Exhausting, but in the best possible way imaginable :)

Nighty-night, loves. I'm off to finish the homework and hopefully hit the hay in the not too distant future.


P.S. - the weather has been phenomenal the last week or so...gorgeous, and, Momma, the colors are starting to turn!!!!!


Mom and Pop Pry said...

Hi Sweetie. I'm glad your Yoshi is home so you can do your school work and fun stuff at home. I know updating your blog adds to your to-dos but it makes so many of us happy!

Hope your 'bold' church means you have found a good one.

If I might have an input about the flu shot, you could just bump up your vit. C, if you haven't already, and be askin' your friends about their doctors, just in case you need antibiotics.

Take care sweet girl. And the moths!!

Love you, MomPry :)

Katy {and Kahler} said...

Glad Yoshi is back in action! Also glad your weekend was AMAZING. :)

Now praying you don't get sick

Jake said...

So happy that you don't have to stay up at the lab for all hours just for web access. I am so sorry that you aren't feeling well. Praying that you lick it quickly fo shno.

Susan was way impressed with how much you already know about moths wasn't she? I knew it :)

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