
Saturday, December 11, 2010

My First 10 on 10!

So, a few of y'all might have found your way over to my lovely blogger-friend and sister in Christ, Katy. I've mentioned her and linked up with her a few times before. And she is way more blog savvy than I am, just sayin' - so love you, Katy! Anywho, she's does all these fun bloggery things and then I jump on her bandwagons...mmhmm, I am that person. Maybe someday I'll have enough time to be as awesome of a blogger as Katy is :)

So, Katy is a big participant in this neat little thing called "10 on 10" where you take a picture every hour for 10hrs on the 10th of each month. FUN? I. THINK. YES!! So, here goes my first 10 on 10! (I'll be honest, I missed a few hours here and there, so there's a touch of a gap in some of my pictures...TIGS, need I say more?)

So, here's my first 10 on 10 - December!

9 AM
This is what I wake up to every morning - MOM! FEEEEED MEEEEE!

10 AM
Coffee + Gihrardelli Peppermint Bark in 
Christmas mug = most legit homemade peppermint mocha EVER!

11 AM
Decided to wear earrings for the first time in about 2 months.

12 AM
Walkin' into Hodson...sorry for the mitten in the picture...they're kind of fluffy.

1 PM
Worked on my cerambycid illustration for a bit

2 PM
Took a break from the bug and worked on some manuscript stuff for the Wharton.

3 PM
ENTO vs EEB dodge ball - pretty epic.

6 PM
Went home to take Jakers out before heading back out

7 PM
Decided to lite the tree for Jakers before I left.

1 AM
Called it a night after hangin' with the bugdorks in celebration of 
being done with Insect Ecology!!!!

***Sorry for the major lags: dodge ball lasted forever and then my phone memory filled up after I left the house for the evening...

I'm going to try and remember to do it again next month - anyone care to join in??



Katy {and Kahler} said...

yaaaaaaay for 10 on 10! i loved this little glimpse into your life. i think my favorite is the mitten in the picture. what a perfect picture of 'real life'. i also love your tree and you are adorable!

ps- i made jake buy some fun things for you today... except "made" is kind of a harsh word b/c it sounds like i forced him. i did not. i just said hey, "heather would like this" and he said "ok how much?"

love you! :)

Mom and Pop Pry said...

ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!! I love how blogging lets readers get close to the blogger, without having even seen the person, without having heard their voice. OK, I only follow 3 blogs right now and 2 of them are family and "just like" family, but I'm truly "falling" for the third one from reading her blog. You are truly precious, Miss Willow, whatever the future holds, you've got my heart.

I'm so glad you've jumped your first hurdle in your race to complete your Masters work, and that you have a mere 5+ days before you step foot in our beloved Texas. Enjoy your week sweet girl and know I'm prayin' for the hours to pass quickly for you, and for traveling mercies on your journey home.

Warm hugs and wishes for the "wonders of His love".

MomPry (Cheryl) (Lady) :)

Mom and Pop Pry said...

P.S. Your drawing looks TERRIFIC (even beautiful), I LOVE those earrings, and your critters are SO cute!!! :)

Katy {and Kahler} said...

aaaand, lets just be clear on one thing. i blog b/c i'm not cool and in school like you. one day, i'll be forced back into the real world and im afraid my blog might die a slow and painful death... plus, i'll be back in America and my life probably wont be quite so "follow-worthy".

we killed looooots of bugs tonight and i thought of you. ;)

Jake said...

Ok first, I hope that guy felt bad for hitting that girl in the face with a dodgeball.

Congratulations again on your publication! I think that is so awesome, well done, Heather!

That picture of BB is hilarious, I like it. Makes me miss having critters. So glad that you are enjoying the snow and are getting to have fun with your ento cohort. Still amazed with the tight-knittedness of that group. Love it

Enjoy all of the life out of that last week in Minneapolis before you put on your wings.

Have a beautifully blessed day, so excited to see you soon!

- and Katy, I definitely owe you big time!

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