
Friday, December 17, 2010


Sometimes I forget Who has made me, Who loves me, and who I am...and why...

Sometimes I wonder why God still loves me when I think about all of the ungodly things I think, do, say, etc...

Sometimes I wonder why God still loves me when I choose to not do godly things - when I chose to not love, to not exercise mercy, to not be thankful, to not give of myself, etc...

Sometimes I forget that I have been remade, and that God isn't finished with me - that He is continuously refining me in and through His pure and perfect love.

Sometimes I forget that the scars I have acquired along the way don't have to be ugly, but that they can be a beautiful reminder of God's amazing faithfulness and absolutely unconditional love.  Even when they hurt from time to time.  Even when I allow myself to question everything because I am reminded of the past.

But I do know this: God never forgets why He loves me, why He sent His precious Son to die for me - to die for everyone - why He will always be there even when I lose my way and lose sight of Him and His love.  And, what a reason to rejoice that is!  Even when I fail - mmmmm, which is pretty much all the time - He is right there to pick me up and love me...even when I try to push Him away.

For those of you who might not know me as well as others, one of my absolute favorite bands is Tenth Avenue North.  This band writes amazingly honest and broken songs.  I know I can always be pointed towards Christ by working through their songs.  Two of their songs that really serve as a reminder of God's perfect love -even when it absolutely hurts- are You Are More and Any Other Way.  This first video below is the music video for You Are More and the second video is the video journal talking about Any Other Way.  They are both really outstanding videos. 

God is always there, even when He seems far away.  He is always in control, even when it seems like everything is falling apart.  We are always going to mess up, but He will always be right there waiting for us to run back into His healing arms...always.

Praying everyone getting ready to travel around to see friends and family has safe, safe travels and wonderfully blessed times with loved ones.

I'll be home soon, family!  Just one more full day and I'll be in your arms!  Oh, sweet Texas, I cannot wait to be back on your solid, unfrozen ground.

All my love, always,


Mom and Pop Pry said...

Thank you, Heather, for sharing your heart. It let me rejoice again in our precious Savior and His sacrifice of love. We don't have to be defeated by our mistakes, past, present, or future, because He has forgotten and forgiven them if we only ask Him to....period.

Tenth Avenue North is SO on the mark. I like Casting Crowns, too, and Amy Grant writes about REAL struggles.

I pray you got some sleep, finally, and that the weather eases up so you can wing your flight to your family's loving arms.


Katy {and Kahler} said...

sounds like something we might have talked about recently... :) praise God for allowing us to become "new creations". what a gift. thank you for sharing your heart, love. it's beautiful.

and yaaaaaaaay for you! i'm hugging on my sweet family now and can't wait until you get to do the same.

Mom and Pop Pry said...

No one will ever know th 'me' that I know. I DO NOT want to know the 'me' that God knows. As I see it there is no upside I can see for God wanting to have
A N Y T H I N G to do with the likes of me...BUT His book and HIS Gift to me make it clear that He has the ability AND DESIRE to overlook ALL of my bumps and warts and wrinnkles and internal ugliness. It is pointless to try to understand why, it is hard also to accept sometimes...but fortunately HE N E V E R changes, and the only response I know to that is as follows:

Thank you Jesus, and Praise God

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