
Sunday, June 19, 2011

To my Daddy

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

What a blessing it is to know the love of a father.  This is a blessing I hope I never, ever take for granted.  My Daddy Dearest is the absolute best father a girl could ask for.  No, really...I'm not kidding.

Things I love about my Faja:

1) He loves me unconditionally

2) He teaches me about God, life, loving others, having wisdom, and so much more all the time

3) He lets me make mistakes but is always there to help me pick up the pieces and learn from whatever has just caused me to fall on my face and break a limb...

4) He's pretty much always a phone call away...even when he's too busy, he always makes time.

5) He's pretty darn funny...sometimes  ;)

6) I can geek-out with him about things like Star Wars, anything Tolkien/C.S. Lewis, and so much more

7) He does more than he has to/needs to if it means making something a little bit easier on my end...even when he's, you guess it, too driving across the country with me to move me into my little apartment in the Frozen Tundra.

8) He loves, loves, loves the Lord and isn't afraid to show it.

9) He's incredibly wise.

10) He loves our family in an incredible way.

11)  Something I am trying to learn myself...he's an amazing model of this.

12) He enjoys the outdoors and nature like me...and I love that we can share in those things...even if at times I make him help me with trapping insects, resulting in him suffering severely from poison ivy...but, we don't talk about that...  ;)

13) He let's me cry in front of him and doesn't feel awkward or uncomfortable when I do, but, rather, extends the most wonderful comfort, care, and love in just the right way for whatever the moment calls for...whether it's simply sitting by my side and hugging me, speaking words of Truth/Wisdom, etc...

14) He never let's me do the dishes after cooking our Thanksgiving Feast...though I don't get to do this anymore, now that I've moved out of TX, he would never let me touch a dirty dish after cooking/baking all day...

15) He's my dad.

Not the best of pictures, but this is him and me after my 
graduation from A&M - it was a chilly December night, and, 
of course, I wasn't willing to sacrifice cuteness for warmth...but, 
Faja was there, wool coat and all, to keep me warm  :)

You're the best, Dad.

Love you dearly, talk to you soon!

All my love,

1 comment:

Brian said...

Hay Heather,

Just got back from Florida...and caught up with your blogs...I left right after Father's Day and did not read your blog before tonight...thanks for the tears in my eyes....your are indeed as precious as a butterfly (or would a moth be better :-) )......thanks for the beautiful words....Your Very Proud Father, Love Ya, Dad!

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