
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A placed called Rainbow...

...for those of you who've been following since I made the trek to the Frozen Tundra, you know what that means...

I went grocery shopping!!

OK, y'all, I have to confess something: I way do not like grocery shopping.  Stores are never set-up in a way that is intuitive (or makes sense on any level in some cases), they are always crowded, and (good food) is expensive.  That's 3 strikes...that usually means, "you're out!!!"  But, alas...we must eat.

So, I did it.  I sucked it up and finally went grocery shopping.  I hadn't been, but to get a loaf of bread and carton of milk, since my return from TX...shameful, I know...but, don't you worry, I cupboards were officially empty this morning, hence the need for a shopping trip.

But, my shopping trip did allow me to get some things for a little lemonade recipe I've been wanting to try.

Fresh lemonade.....

Fresh blueberry mint lemonade...!!!
 How pretty is that glass of drink??  B-e-a-utiful!  You know what else...?  It's deeeelish!
 And, guess what else!  It's easy peasy...lemon squeezey!  Bah-hahahaha!  I couldn't resist...and I apologize.

Here's what you'll need:
1c lemon juice (about 2 large lemons)
3/4c sugar (I used white this go round, but I'll be trying it with cane sugar next - I think it will make it pop even more!)
4c water
1c blueberries (a good sized handful or two should do the trick)
1/3c mint (I just used a sprig of mint with something like 8-9 leaves on it. I didn't use the stem, but I suppose you could chop it up and throw it in the mix?)

Juice your lemons.  I used my Magic Bullet Juicer adapter and was able to get over 1c of juice from two large lemons. 
Add sugar and water to lemon juice.  Shake/mix vigorously, ensuring that the sugar is dissolved.
Add in blueberries and mint.
Chill for however long and enjoy!
recipe adapted from La Petite Coquin

The original recipe recommends letting it sit for a few hours to allow the flavors to mix and infuse more, but after letting mine sit for even just 30min it was wonderfully delicious.  I'll let you know how it tastes after sitting over night, though!

It has been a good night in the kitchen, to say the least.

It's amazing what having food on hand to cook with will allow for, eh?

My dinner consisted of this:

My variation of J Ponder's (from Ponder This) fried rice...what I wouldn't give for some of that goodness...and some Ponder company on top of that - to die for!

I've mentioned it on the blog before, but I like my picture from tonight better than the other one I snapped before.  No carrots this time, though.

It was fabulous, and the spicy went excellently with the refreshing lemonade.  Yum!!

And now, I'm going to settle down for the night with a movie, some chocolate, and another glass of that there lemonade  ;)




Katy {and Kahler} said...

yummm! and yay pinterest! cant wait to try this. :)

Elaine P said...

two things... 1. that looks like a delicious spin of the famous fried rice. 2. i am mad at you for posting about that addictive website the other day. i spent over an hour just sitting on that site instead of doing housework : )

Anonymous said...

oooh those both look really good!!!

miss you!

PaisleyJade said...


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