
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Heads up!

Ok kids, so here's a quick run-down of my recent happenings.

1. Had a fun visit in the CS.

2. Already started working on my farmer's tan...awesome.

3. Have experienced some serious God-love over the course of the last 48hrs...seriously, I'm in awe of His amazingly tender, fatherly care. I couldn't ask for a better Heavenly Daddy. Those moments in which He really allows you to feel His loving arms wrapping around you and He holds your heart in His gentle hands are breath-taking. He has truly shown me that He is enough. How great is our God!

4. While He is showing me His unending love, He is also teaching me a huge lesson in patience and so? He's making me wait on Him for direction in my life choice...SO HARD! He has shown me two very distinct and very good pathways that I have before me...both of which, ultimately lead to, in essence, the same result...haha, awesome. So it's a matter of choosing the "best" one now. But, which one is the "best" one?!?! I don't know, and I don't know that He is going to give me a crystal clear answer, but I am confident in Him, and believe that He will grant me some inklings this week. (See #5!)

5. In just a few short hours I will be boarding a plane and hitting the skyways to the Land of 10,000 Lakes! That's right, I'm finally going for my prospective grad student informational/meet-n-greet visit. I was informed this morning that there are 9 professors who want to meet with, what?? Yeah...9! I'm kind of freaking out and now have a lot of homework to do between now and the time I land...I only know who 3 of them are!!! Snap! But, it will be good. And I know that the Lord is going to reveal things to me this weekend, or at least give me something that will make sense later on down the road.

That's all for now, folks. If you have a moment and feel led to, I would greatly appreciate some prayer power over the next few days...I need some serious clarity, direction, patience, and trust.

Thanks, all! Let me know if there's anything I can be lifting up to our Heavenly Daddy for you.

Shalom & Blessings,


carriehammie said...

I'm super excited for you!!! You are in my prayers, fo sho, homie.
And farmer tans are the best! Second only to Chaco tan lines. :)

skatej said...

Wow, Heaths, you're pretty awesome. Or as one of the semi-annoying freshmen in my Bible study would say, you a baller. (I know...this is the kid who had a mullet last month. Ah, the journey of finding oneself!)
Love, hugs, handsqueezes and prayers.

Marisa_A said...

Praying lots and lots for you!!!!

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