
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My heart has officially been stolen

These kids have my heart. It's only been two short days and they have me. I am seriously dreading leaving them on Friday. Seriously. When I took this sub spot I was really nervous about it being for 4 days, and having to get up at 6/6:30 every day, etc., etc. But, now I actually want to get up in the mornings!! And, tonight, instead of looking at the clock and thinking, "Dang, it's 9:30...I need to be in bed in 30min..." I find myself thinking, "SCORE!!! I get to go to bed soon, and then that means I get to see my the kids again soon!!!" Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty smitten.

As much headache as they have been able to cause in two days, I can't get enough of them! They are a bunch of hoodlums, but I love them anyway.

Today was very encouraging for me. The kids let me know that they "love" me!!! I seriously do not know if there is anything that feels better than lives you have been charged with, however short the frame of time, letting you know that you are doing a good job. Seriously, so heart warming.

As the kids have their midterm exam on Friday they are getting a little nervous and anxious about the material. 5th period is my off period and their study hall period. I told them that I would stay in the room through 5th period and lunch so that they could come see me if they had any questions or need help on anything. I had about 5 or so kids show up. I was pretty impressed with that number - one kid hadn't even been to my class for the day yet!! I was pretty busy with one little boy who I thoroughly enjoy, but he is one of those brilliant kids who has a million and one things swimming around in his little head and so it takes a bit for him to fish out the info he needs to answer the question in front of him. He knows the answers, he just has to open the right door to find them. But, in between him taking a few moments here and there to think (it was so awesome to see a mind actually stop for a moment and dedicatedly search for a piece of information that had been stored up - sooo cool!) I worked with some other kids. I had a blast helping them come to the correct answers pretty much on their own, or clarifying some concept they just didn't get. There was one little girl who came in, and she says to me, "Miss Cummins, can I just hang out in here for study hall?" "Sure, Rachel, just don't be disruptive." She was perfectly content to simply sit and rest her brain (she had already taken her language arts midterm that morning...poor kids!). She and I chatted for a little bit while other kiddos were working on stuff, and then she went back to study hall a little before the bell. I kept working with the little boy I mentioned above until the bell rang and off he went to lunch. Ah... I was then left with a few moments to tidy up the strewn room and nibble on my lunch snack (granola bar and apple sauce cup...filling...). As I went to sit at my desk and just stop, I came across the most delightful surprise: a post-it-note from Rachel that said the following:

My heart absolutely melted, I tell you! I seriously almost cried, I was so touched. These kids have known me for two days and they are already giving me sweet, sweet encouragement. How my Heavenly Daddy is blessing me with them this week.

Another gem from today was from my 7th period 8th graders...the terrors. Haha. I love them dearly, but my goodness do they try my patience?! Well, in an amongst my sternness and goofiness with them, they granted me the following sweetness:
"Miss Cummins?"
"Could you just be our sub forever? For the rest of the year?"

Oh my goodness, I almost lost it. I could not believe that the kids I threaten the most were asking me to stay...after TWO DAYS!! Haha, one kids says to me, "What was your minor in?" English. "SWEET! So, should our language arts teacher...YOU could take over for her!?!?!!!!" BAH-HAHA!! That one killed me! I was speechless. I just told them that if any of their teachers are out and the school calls me up I would be more than happy to come sub for them again. Hahaha, oh they kill me. They actually had me laughing so hard about something in regards to the review we went over today, something I can't remember right now, that I couldn't breathe. I turned bright red like I do when I laugh so hard that I stop breathing...I was crying... They looooved it. Oh my goodness. While I seriously wanted to string some of them up by their toes at times, I had an awesome time with them today.

CANNOT wait to get there tomorrow!! We are playing Jeopardy! as a review game...not gonna lie, this one kinda scares me to think about...7th/8th graders are crazy competitive. But, I'm up for it!

I'm off to dreamland, all. Love you dearly...again, no proofing on this one.



Marisa_A said...

Awww! I really loved when the teachers would play jeopardy to help us review!! Oh memories! So so so so glad you are enjoying your first subbing experience! Love you missy!

Stephen Powell said...

Ummm may I just say that you are awesome:) And I am so happy that you are doing something you love! And I totally eat granola bars and applesauce cups on the go ALL THE TIME lol That and brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts:)

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