
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

2010: A Brand New...Decade!

Wow, day 6 of not only the new year, but the new decade!

A new decade, all my own! I was thinking about the last two times I have entered into a new decade...The first one was in 1990, I was just about 3yrs old so, of course, I do not remember that at all. The next one was in 2000. Now, THAT I remember - but, I remember that it was a new millennium, more than anything else. It never crossed my mind that it was the start of a new decade, because I was around to witness the start of a new millennium! Who gets to see that?! What a celebration that was... But even still, at the near age of 13 it didn't really mean much other than it was going to be an even bigger New Year's celebration than ever before. I didn't really grasp the significance of it all. But this year, as we enter into the "double-digits" of the 2000's it really means something.

Why does it mean so much, though? I've been trying to figure that out. Because, when you stop and think about it, each year could, technically, be the start of another decade of your life...technically. It's so strange to think about. A decade is a long time...and yet, the last one seems to have gone by in a flash - even though the first few years of it seem like they were in a different lifetime.

Where will the Lord take my life over the next 10 years? What am I going to do? Who will I meet? What will I accomplish - for the Lord, myself, others, the World?? So many unanswered questions. And yet, having those questions unanswered is OK. I'm not really afraid of what lies ahead. Anxious to finally know what will happen, yes, but afraid, no so much. Do I experience moments of terror when I think about the possibilities and hurt the next 10 years might hold, absolutely. I'd be lying if I said I don't. But, over all, I have a peace about the next 10 years.

"God is always in control, and always prepares the way." This is something that was brought up in my Tuesday night Bible study. We are working our way through the Book of Esther, and that is the general theme of the story. No matter what happens, God is always in control, and God always prepares the way for our salvation. This notion is encouraging to me. And, notion is a poor choice of words, for it's so much more than a's a lifestyle, a promise, a true understanding of Who and What God is. He is all powerful, all knowing, and through Him we have absolutely nothing to fear! How liberating is that?! Through Him we have NOTHING to fear! Our God truly is an awesome God. He never forgets us, never forsakes us, never leaves us. Basically, He's awesome.

What a blessing and grace-FULL gift it is to be found in Him.

I sometimes find myself getting discouraged and frustrated...or, rather, impatient...with God when I don't see "results". I too often forget that my desired results do not always match up with His **known** results. He is all knowing. He knows what is best for His children, and He knows how much we can handle. And...much to our dismay, He knows how to discipline His children. He knows us. He knows me. He knows you. He quite simply...knows. Wow.

Another thing I do, far too often, is forget to listen. I get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, that I forget to listen for God's responses to me. I don't exactly mean that literally, while I don't doubt that He does indeed still literally speak to people, I know He often uses other means to speak to us...Scripture, other people, etc. But He, in my case at least, tends to do His speaking quietly and subtly. Wouldn't it just be a whole lot easier if He sent messages through fireworks in the sky or something??? Or via postcard...??? Haha. It definitely would. But, then I think maybe we wouldn't stand in so much awe of Him and the ways in which He moves and speaks to us. I dunno, maybe I'm just rambling now, but I've been thinking about this a lot lately, in response to some impatiences {is that a word?? it is now!} I've been having. I want things to happen in my time, but I can't see what He sees, and so my time may not be the best time for these things to happen in. So I will try to be still, and listen, and wait, patient. Oh Patience, you and I have never been too close...wanna help me out a little bit there?? Come on, let's be friends!

Well, now that I have chased another little rabbit hole, I think I will close, but leave you with this:

A new decade holds endless opportunities...let God show them to you. Be still. Be quiet. Listen. Wait. Be patient. Cling to His providence and turn your will over to His. I know...much easier said than done, but we all have to start somewhere!

Happy New Year...Happy New Decade...Happy 2010!!


P.S. - Be looking for a post on new year's resolutions! Had a great sermon on them at church last week that I think will blow your minds!!

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