
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm still alive!

Ok lovelies, I know I have been M.I.A. for forever. My bad.... I was busy... Alright, so I may have taken the last week off from blogging, just because I could. Lame? Maybe, but I'm back now!

I know some of you are still patiently waiting for my post on resolutions, but I kind of have a problem: I may or may not have misplaced my notes from that Sunday because I managed to forget my journal that morning so I took my notes on a piece of scratch paper, which I cannot find. So, until they post the sermon or I corner Chaplain Willis and beg him for his notes, I'm stuck with trying to remember everything I wanted to remember on my own - it's going to take a bit of time.

Now, for some updates!

So, what have I been up top that has been keeping me from you?? Well...For starters I got to spend the whole week with the lovely Alyssa down in C-Stat. We celebrated her belated bday on Saturday - oh, it was lovely. We definitely made some awesome memories this week. Aside from hanging with Alyssa I was working in the lab with Dr. Wharton and Aubs. Made some progress with some stuff that needed to be finished up, took some pictures of some wasps, you know, the usual. I had lots of lunches with peoples, LOTS of coffee dates...oh my gosh, I think I drank more coffee last week than ever before...oh, no, that's a lie, actually - the most coffee I have ever had in a week was during finals this past semester...that was a lot of coffee. Went to some movies, etc. It was great to get to hang with BMetz and KZhaurova and Aubs - I have missed my bug dorks. Oh my goodness, Friday night was ridiculous: after a lovely dinner with the Humphreys and some quality YouTube perusing, Alyssa and B and I went over to Cam's for some classic signs followed by hide and go seek in the dark...yes, you read that correctly. Alyssa and I were up til about 3:30am...we felt SO OLD!! Haha, it was sad. We experienced a few of those "we aren't in college anymore" moments, too. But it was great fun, and we slept well that night. It was a huge blessing to get to attend worship at Living Hope the last two Sundays as well - and my quality time with the Humphreys followed by quality time with B this Sunday before I hit the road back to A-town was absolutely wonderful. Basically, I had an awesome week. I cannot wait to go back for another of week of work and visiting.

I will say this, though: it was a very odd feeling to be back in C-Stat and not be a student. Alyssa and I talked about this feeling a bit and how it is so strange that it sets in almost over-night. You, know...that feeling of not being in college anymore, but not exactly starting that next stage of your life. There are lots of names for it: time of waiting, limbo, in-between...I'm calling it my intermission. It really is just that to me. The drama that is my life isn't over yet, but it's time to take a little break and stretch my legs...err, brain...get a little snack, etc. It's weird and has its ups and downs, but I am excited to see what growing comes out of this time that God has graced me with. Because really, I am very fortunate to have this opportunity to simply be.

Well, all, it is time to get things really rolling...taking the wee ones to see The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus around 2 - should be good!

Happy Tuesday.



Marisa_A said...

I think I've been struggling with my 'intermission' more than appreciating it for what it is... whatever it is. You have a great way of looking at it! I know God has wonderful plans for us during this time, and amazing plans for us after! You're such a beautiful woman of God! Love you, lady!

skatej said...

My intermission, well, you know how that went for me. Learn from my mistakes! Don't let anything freak you out or get you down. That's lesson numero uno.
Oh, by the way, I talked to Catia today and she said she had not heard about this weekend. She's on board for Sunday afternoon. Do you think you could try very very hard to get hold of Chamilton? Penny simply cannot wait to meet you!

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