
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

My new "routine"

Top of the morning to you, loves! And a very Happy 2010 to you all.

I've been up since 6:30! And I'm still awake!! I'm liking this new routine, I think. As of yesterday, I am getting up circa 6:30, taking the "wee ones" to school (haha, makes it sound so juvenile, when really one is a senior in high school and the other a sophomore...ah well, I enjoy it!), coming home and starting my day (well, that whole starting my day thing is new development, as of this morning...we'll see if I can keep it up...). Today, mom is off of work, but has an orientation dealy for her nursing classes, so she'll be gone all day. But, since she didn't need to leave until 8 or so, she and I were afforded the opportunity to enjoy a little early morning chat as she finished getting ready for the day.

Now that she is "off to school" {I'm so ridiculously proud of her} I have the house to myself. I have started the laundry that has been piling up at the foot of stairs, taken care of my emails, and of course facebook, and now here I sit: cup of fresh coffee, some oatmeal, and my lappytop.

Aside: Food packages are so educational now-a-days! As I was making up my oatmeal I was reading the package to pass the time...did you know that most dinosaurs lived for 50-60yrs?! Best pet ever, am I right?! They would live almost your entire lifetime! That settles it, I'm getting one :)

So, here I sit. Blank canvas that is the internet in front of me. First, though, I really enjoying taking the boys to school and picking them in the afternoons - give me some sense of purpose right now. This wouldn't be a part of my day had the J-man not gotten himself into another accident...woops! But I like it. After just one day, though, I totally get why our parents were so frustrated with us when they would ask us, "How was school today?" And we would begrudgingly reply, "Fine." "Did anything exciting happen?" "No." "Anything bad happen, then??" "I dunno..." "Well, OK then..." I mean come on!!! I'm your big sister, give me something here, kids!!! Haha, well, I've decided that I am going to try to work on this little issue of one to two worded answers. HA! Wish me luck!

Now that everyone is off for the day I'm left to my own's weird to not really have anything that I need to I was tired of the incessant lounging that occurred over Christmas (not the company, just the lack of activity) after about 4 days, so I'm sure I will soon be tired of this, too. But, having this time is such a blessing. My parents are truly spoiling me right now by allowing me to simply be. I think they, even more than I myself, really know how tired I was (am) after this last semester. I cannot thank them enough for letting me rest and recuperate - I was definitely in need. Part of me feels guilty, because everyone else is back into the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and I'm just chillin', but then I think about my 4.5yr college career - it kind of makes me want to die, but then I remember that it's over for a spell. Thank you, Lord for granting me this intermission. I have time to read again...I'd almost forgotten what a novel looked like! I think the only thing that allowed me to remember that there are beautiful works of art in the form of words on pages bound together was my amazing class on J. R. R. Tolkien {If you ever have the chance to take a class on any point in time, do it! You will NOT be disappointed}...such an amazing, eye-opening, and inspiring class. That class actually made me appreciate my dendrology class even more. Tolkien's love of trees increased my joy of learning about them and helped me to recognize their beauty even more.

But, back to my free time! I started my book list!!! I can honestly say that I am currently reading 3 books! 3 WHOLE BOOKS!! I don't know that I have ever done this...but, let me just tell you: it is marvelous. I am so enjoying this. My current undertakings include: The Road - Cormac McCarthy, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J. K. Rowling, and Redeeming Love - Francine Rivers. The Road I am tackling because I feel like I need to, out of service to my generation, plus it's supposed to be good, plus it was given to me by the Seaner. And, I can honestly say that I am enjoying it! It's weird, to say the least, but it has this sort of draw that keeps you wanting to turn the page to find out what happens next. I approve. Goblet is a re-read. I never finished the Harry Potter series, and so decided I would start over from the last book I read completely and go from there (I only made it about a quarter of the way through Order of the Phoenix). And, Redeeming Love is just one I've always wanted to read...just never got around to it.

Next I will be reading:
Bitterwood - James Maxey (dragons!!)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
, of course
Out of the Silent Planet - C. S. Lewis.

As I mark books off and add others to the empty slots I'll let you know.

Aside from reading, I also plan to do some crafties. Before the weekend comes I will be staining my insect that I can finally place all of my little gems into their forever home, safe and sound :) I can't wait! I've never stained anything before, but the wonderfully generous Mr. Freeman has loaned me a can of his stain so I can test the waters...err, wood?? I'll take pictures and let you know how it all turns out. I think that will be on tap for tomorrow. Maybe I can get the mamma to help me out, or at least sit with me.

In other crafties, I plan to **attempt** to make a dent in the years of scrapbooking I have to catch up on...we'll see if that happens... I also want to finally tackle some of those blank canvas boards I acquired almost two years ago {Note to self: do not attempt to do a lot of projects while in just won't happen. School always wins the time battle. Hmf!} I have some ideas for them, hopefully they will turn out as I envision them. I also have a long overdue baby blanket that needs knitting...I have maybe a 16th of it done.

There is one other thing I think I am going to attempt to do while I'm home. Each day I hope to tackle one portion of my mother's house and really, really, really clean it for her. She just doesn't have the time to do it anymore, what-with being a student, a working nurse, a mother, and a pastor's wife. I think I am going to do this for her. She's just as tired I was when I was in school and she has way more responsibilities than I did. I feel like this is a just a little something I can give back to her. One less thing she has to worry about getting done in the all-too-short 24hr days we live.

Well all, I have a 2010 post that I'm working on, currently, and I hope to have that up by the end of the day, but for now I'm going to go mark some things off my to-do lists. Happy day to you!!



skatej said...

Other good reads (that I got through most of)
-The little prince
-The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (I am only now able to appreciate how awesome Conan Doyle is)
-Pride and Prejudice (have you read this? I got through it at the beginning of the fall semester and thoroughly enjoyed it)
My friend's boyfriend (the one with the Kafka quotes tattooed on him) said I need to read Persuasion next, and I trust his opinion!

T said...

I know this comment is a few days belated, but I wanted to give you a book to add to your list that was on mine =) I just finished it last night! "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. Wow. It's kind of a heavy read, but incredibly thought-provoking, heart-wrenching, and simply well-written. I think you would appreciate it. =)

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