So, I have a confession to make: today, after I dropped of the wee ones at school...I...went back to bed!!! **cowers in shame** I know! I know!! I was going to try and not do that..but, I was just so tired! And I even went to bed early last night {after the nightly ritual of watching LOST with the wee ones, of course}! *sigh* I'm sorry...I'll try to do better tomorrow... I also slept 'til about 11... Again, I know...
Anyways, now that my confession is done and over with, on with the post! So, I finally finished my 2010 post, and was happy to click my "Publish Post" button on that one. It's kind of rambly, I'm sorry to say...but, whatever.
Today has been pretty blah, other than undertaking the task of STAINING MY INSECT DRAWER!! OK, just and FYI: wood stain is sticky!! I mean, really, I had to use a scrub-brush to get it off my hands sticky. I suppose if I were a proud owner of some Go-Jo I may not have needed a scrub-brush, but alas, I am not that awesome. Maybe some day... But, the drawer is looking good. It will soon be a dried rich chestnut color. Yummm! It was a white pine initially. Pine is nice, but I've always been a fan of the darker woods, or at least oak dark...pines are bit too light for me. Thank progress for the development of wood stains! I'm really excited about it, with the exception of the part where I screwed up royally and spilled some stain on my insect board...looks like I'll be investing in some form of white-wash. Oh well. But that was a fun accomplishment, for sure. Here's some picturas for yas:
In other things, I would like to direct you all to my dear friend Mak's blog. She is an amazing woman of God and she is currently reading a book which is bringing up a lot of contemplation within her spirit. I think you all might do well to take a gander at her thoughts - eye-opening, to say the least. Truly a young woman after God's own heart. You can find her here.
Well, now it's off the get the wee ones - they both had practices after school today, so they weren't done at their normal time...gave me more time to chillax with the mamma and play on le internet ;)
Sometimes you just need to go back to bed. :)
Your insect drawer looks AWESOME. I'm really excited to know someone who has one (complete seriousness).
I can't wait for your Resolutions post!
Love you!
Hehe! The insect drawer is so AWESOME!! Love you, girl!!!
I went to your friend mak's blog to see what book she was reading, and i was pleased to see that it was the irresistible revolution. it changed my life. i have it if you ever want to borrow it :)
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