
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grad School Week One: Complete

Wow...what. a. week. (<-- notice the forming trend...?)

It's going to be a crazy semester, that's for sure. I'm a little nervous about it, to be honest. The whole juggling class and spending 50% of my time working on my thesis thing is a little scary for me this semester. But, I think I'll get it and start to figure out how to manage my time with it. It might end up being more along the lines of 60% classes, 40% research...I'm hoping not, but we shall see.

So, what are the highlights since Tuesday??

Wednesday: Aunt June came in town!! It was so fun, she had a layover Wednesday night through Thursday morning, like way early morning, so we got together after my classes! We went to Ruby Tuesday in the Mall of America and had a genuinely lovely time together, as always. She rocks, just in case you were wondering. Definitely blessed to have such an amazing aunt.

Thursday: I got to talk to the pops for a bit after class (read: ~9pm) and that was super great.

Friday: I officially did dissections on my own!! I have no clue if I did it correctly, but I was able to make some sketches of genitalia and whatnot. I think I'm finally starting to get a handle on these critters' morphology! Now if I just need to learn how to slide mount everything and all that jazz. If you want an idea of what dissecting these moths looks like, check out this walk-through video. It's pretty informative, and SW knows the guy who put it together...yay networking!!

Friday was also way fun for a number of other reasons:

1. I have NO CLASSES of Fridays! WIN!
2. We had our ento grad orientation...nothing to thrilling, but good info none-the-less.
3. We had our first hangout with Frenatae!!! Frenatae is our ento grad organization. They took us out to Tugg's Tavern (nothing all that thrilling...but it was a good place to get together) in Minneapolis. We got the department credit card to pay for dinner - WHOOP! - and Frenatae took the tab for our drinks - again, WIN! It was really fun to hang out with our new community of peers and to get to know this year's cohort of entering grad students. Not everyone was there, but everyone who was there was extremely enjoyable :)

Overall, it was an enjoyable, though overwhelming, week.

Today was nice to sort of recoup, regroup, and process the week. I played with Jakers a bit this morning and did some general cleaning around the apartment - always makes me feel better. It was also beyond wonderful to Skype with a number of you today!

I have truly missed having the freedom to have Skype running ~24/7 and pretty much see your faces and hear your voices whenever I wanted. But, emails, gchatting, and occasional evening Skype sessions are sufficing, outside of my now extra special weekend Skype sessions :)

Gah, I so canNOT wait for December!!! I miss your beautiful faces and I'm pumped about getting to spend as much time as possible with you. Parties, shooting, concerts, dancing - it's going to be epic.

Sorry the blogging has been a bit sparse this week....I'll try to do better next week.

Could I implore y'all to pray for me regarding finding a church home? I'm not worried about finding one, but I want to find one soon so I can start getting plugged in and get the fellowship, encouragement, accountability, nourishment, etc., etc. that comes along with being an active part of the Body. Please pray that our Heavenly Daddy will lead me in finding the place He wants me to be while I'm here. I can feel myself beginning to get discouraged, even though I've only been her for 4 Sundays (counting tomorrow)...I simply miss having a church to call home.

Well my loves, with that I am calling it a post and a night. Hope you've all had a blessed weekend, thus far.



Mom and Pop Pry said...

Liftin' you up right now sweet girl. Praying for wisdom and guidance to find THE church, and for peace and joy while you search. The Lord knows how much we need to be connected and He wants that for us too, so I'm sure you will find a place soon. :) Seems to me like you could EASE in to that 50/50 ratio....get comfy with your space and resources first and I bet you'll find more time for the thesis. Hope you have a great worship time today, in a great church or alone with God and that you have a terrific week. Thanks for taking time to let us know what's happenin'! Warm blessings. :)
Mom Pry

Katy {and Kahler} said...

glad you had a great first week! i will certainly be praying that you find a solid church to call home.

aaand, can we please meet in person next summer when we come back? i think we could be great friends. (even if it is 99.76% dependent on the world wide web!) :)

Jake said...

You know that I am praying for you for sure. I am really jealous of your no-class Friday's seeing as I have to go to work on SATURDAY! Also glad that you got to meet new people.

I hope that they get your lappy back to you quickly and that I can make it on gchat for as long as it takes... not sure that I have the metal.

I am equally psyched about December! It's going to be awesome though, I am feeling a touch confused about it at the moment. I am sure that it will work out exactly as it should. You are awesome! I miss you soo much.

Stephen Powell said...

Well it looks like your first week went pretty swell. And I LOVE the grad organization name! I will definitely keep you in my prayers about finding a church home; I know that can be tough sometimes:)

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