
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


...I went hunting for fossils.

You can be jealous...I'll forgive you.

I also got almost all of my art supplies for Scientific Illustration of Insects!! So fun...a wee bit overwhelming (and a touch pricey), but so, so fun! Nibs, India ink, pigma pens, tracing paper, fiskars, exacto knives, ERASERSSSSS (I kind of have a secret love...ok, borderline obsession, with erasers)!!!! The gal who checked me out was way nice and got me set up with a customer's discount card - 10% savings with every purchase!!! WIN! She also welcomed me to the FT and all that jazz. The gal who helped me track down all the supplies (the list was rather lengthy) was way nice, too. Whipped out her very own sharpie to mark things off my list for me as we added the items to the growing pile of gloriousness that was becoming the contents of my basket.

I like Minnesotans. They're fun.

Jakers didn't get his walk today, as it has been pouring cats and dogs since last night...made the fossil hunt in the wetlands extra squishy ;)

Oh! Speaking of the fossil hunt, I decided that it would probably be wise to invest in some rainboots/rubber boots of sorts (this was definitely a good idea...). So I marched myself on over to Target and picked up a way cute pair of houndstooth rainboots - that's right, ladies, houndstooth! I'm slightly in love and really want to wear them with my kickin' houndstooth coat....oooooh, I can see it now! Haha. But, yeah, the boots were a great aid today, as we were often treking through over a foot of muck and mud. I loved it, but I think the little girl who wore her Coach tennies and her bedazzled, yes bedazzled, cotton candy pink hoodie, was a little put out by the whole scenario. Buuut, it was a great release for me to get to romp around in the wil-dy-ness...I've missed it quite a bit. I love digging through mud...especially with my Aggie's a touch risky, but I just love it (I also wear my rings tightly, so I don't worry too much).

So, today was a busy, long day, but a decent one.

Nighty-night, kids.



skatej said...
Thinking of trying this. I have the theraneem shampoo and conditioner and loooove it.
Tramping through the mud=awesome. And coach anything is a waste of time and resources.

Katy {and Kahler} said...

ooh, fossil hunting- sounds fun!

and we all left our aggie rings in TX... missing them mucho. thinking the parents might have to bring them at christmas... still debating.

i love the energy and excitement you have towards school and your field. i'm going to need you to calm it down a little though- you're making me want to go back! ha... just kidding, but kind of not. :)

Kacy said...

Loving the girl who was ill-prepared to romp in the mud. Now, that's funny.

Miss Willow said...

Kate: I've heard about the neem-ness - let me know how you like it!

Katy: I think I would die without my Aggie ring...ok maybe not really...but maybe just a little. Haha, and I'll work on not being so excited about school. I mean, I suppose I could do an entire post devoted to my stacked evolution sucks...with the exception of when we get to go hunt for fossils for lab :) Otherwise it's a lot of lame undergraduate busy work, hmph!

Kacy: I feel really bad, but I kind laughed hysterically inside when I saw what she was wearing...and then I felt way bad...and then I didn't, and well, the cycle continues ;) MISS YOU!!! Let's Skype, stat.

Stephen Powell said...

Did you find any cool fossils? And that is a lot of supplies; I'm glad she gave you a discount. And I'm glad you finally got some good rainboots:) And digging with my Aggie ring on is pretty awesome and I would like to see a picture of this hoodie haha

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