
Thursday, September 16, 2010

So very blessed

Ok kids, this has been kind of a rough week, for those of you who I haven't spoken to via phone, skype, gchat, or in person...oh, wait...about that last one...

Not only has it been a full week in the realm of being a brand new grad student, in a brand new place (where it's already getting chilly!!), starting new classes, and taking on a brand new research project (that will last for a good 3 years...can you say overwhelming?), but I've been thinking about a lot this week. I've been thinking about life and where I am at on that time line that is specific to me. I've been thinking about all of the adjustments am in the middle of. I've been thinking about "home," and what "home" actually means. I've been thinking about friendships and how much they mean and how they change as time passes, etc. I've been thiking about family, and the point at which your friends truly do become your family. I've been thinking about timing and how it can be such a fickle thing. To be completely honest, I've been thinking about quitting. Of course not entirely in seriousness - I didn't move across the country to quit...I'm just tired and I miss Texas and the way of life I knew and came to love there, not to mention my people, and my church. I still don't understand why God has me here. I really don't want to be here...I mean, I want to be here doing what I'm doing, but I don't want to be here. Yes, I have absolutely met wonderful people since I've been here and I think some lasting friendship may be forming, but it's still not the same, and it never will be the same as what I have in Texas. My spirit is tired...I need a hug, or rather a slew of hugs from my best friends. People don't really seem to hug's weird and just the tiniest bit depressing.

But, with all of that said, I have been incredibly, incredibly encouraged this week. God has blown my mind with how He has demonstrated to me that He knows exactly what I'm going through and that He hasn't forgotten about me, and that He's taking care of me through the people He has so richly blessed my life with.

This week I think I have had more phone calls, text messages, emails, facebook comments/messages, etc., etc. than I've had in a while. And they have all been just wonderfully caring and loving and encouraging. One of the things I've been most discouraged about since the move is my church situation, or lack thereof. I got one of the most incredible comments on the blog regarding that this week. Helped me regain my perspective on this whole sort of And then, I make my way over to Katy and Kahler's blog (Who I'm linking-up with!! Never linked-up before. Yay for new adventures in the blogging world!) to catch up with them (sorry for the slacking the last few days, Katy...) and I see God's incredible providence in their life...even in and amongst the TIA moments (and there have been some good ones lately!). And then I get these somewhat out of the blue emails from a number of people, most of whom I do not know super well, and they are all checking up on me, or are just a nice "hello," or what-have-you. God, is so, so good.

Other ways I have been encouraged this week have been through the building-up of new friendships here. MC (the gal who's a Quaker) and I have had some way fun little chats throughout the course of the week, and I really like her. She's playing "mom" to her prof's kiddos the next week or so while he and his wife are off on vaca, so we can't really "play" this weekend or next, but I love getting to visit with her in classes and in passing in Hodson. She is absolutely delightful. Can't wait to start hanging out with her outside of school/work. Also, JW (another gal in my cohort...she came in with her hubs - they are so freaking cute! Got their master's together and now they're getting their PhD's together...way presh.) and I decided that we need to go shopping together to start stocking up on winter clothes. She and her hubs are from the PNW so they know winters and snow like I'm used to from's not the same kind of winter and snow that they have all. So, we are gonna go try to hit-up some sales and check out Plato's Closet and the like. Plus, she's probably the trendiest, cutest little thing I've ever seen, so this is looking good for me - I can always use some help in the fashion world.

God is so good. Life is life. School is school. I. Am. Tired. But overall, when I look at the big picture, thing's are going pretty well. So as I sit here sipping on my chai latte (thanks, Momma!) and typing this to you all, my dear dear readers, I can honestly say that, though still adjusting to this new thing called being a grad student and living in the FT, I am happy and blessed. My heart is uplifted by the love you all and so many others have shown me this week. I pray you are all well and blessed and content in the Lord.

Happy almost weekend!

Shalom & blessings,

P.S. - Yoshi the Toshiba (and no, he is not named Yoshi because he's a Toshiba...he's named Yoshi, 'cause he was/is my favorite Mario character) will be sent off to the Toshiba doctors next week. His little box, which I like to think of as his very own personal ambulance, should be here to pick him up on Saturday or Monday. Once he has made his way to the Toshiba hospital it should take about a week for them to fix him up and get him back on his way to me. I am so not looking forward to being without him next's gonna suck, that's all there is to it. As mentioned previously, I'll try to stay a little late at the lab and do some blog updating from promises, but I will try my hardest. On the bright side, though, Toshiba is covering Yoshi's medical bills - WHOOP!

P.P.S. - I got my prayer partner from church back home today!!! So pumped :)

P.P.P.S. - In case you missed it earlier in this post, I'm linking-up with Katy over at to the ends of the earth. Check 'em ooout!


skatej said...

hey lady, big hugs from this small person.
I've noticed here, too, that not a lot of people hug. I think it might be a matter of how close we are or aren't, but I have no evidence to support that. Things might just be really different.
BTW, I need your address. Thanks.

Katy {and Kahler} said...

heeey, thanks for linking up! i'm encouraged by the all ways you've been encouraged this week- our heavenly Father knows exactly what we need and will give it to us exactly when we need it.

i love reading your blog because it encourages me that the things i'm feeling are so normal. i'm living my dream here in Africa, but there are still days that i want to go home, to hug my mama, to let talk to people who really know me.

but God's got us away from "home" for very big reasons. like you said, in the big picture, life is so, so good.

love you, friend! :)

Miss Willow said...

Skate: Thanks for the hug, lovely. I dunno...people in CS just hug in general...I got way spoiled. I'll text you my addy stat!

Katy! I love reading YOUR blog because it encourages ME that the things I'm feeling are so normal. Oh God's so perfect in the way He connects people. Love you too, lady!!

Mom and Pop Pry said...

Blessings on your Sunday, sweet girl. I hope there are lots of beautiful things and people that bring you joy in this day, and that the beauty of our precious Lord in you reaches those you touch this week.

I also hope you get your li'l Yoshi back soon. It's just harder living without some of our "things" that are familiar and bring us comfort. God is SO good to remind us, though, that He is our sufficiency during our trek through the valley (tundra:) and then He guides us right back up to the mountaintop where we can see clearer. I so love the hope that instills.

Ooooops, didn't mean to preach. Hope you know that you have some new friends who can't wait to actually meet you "face to face" and "hug to hug".

Go Get'em Sweetie. Mom Pry :)

Miss Willow said...

Mom Pry: Preach it, sister!! I absolutely love it! Seriously, you are, by far, one of the most encouraging women I have ever "met," and I am so grateful for your willingness to share. My heart takes a little leap every time I get a notification that you've commented on the blog, because I know that somewhere nestled inside of your words are some amazing truths from our Daddy, and it usually comes at just the right time. And, you aren't preachy at all. You are a sharer and an encourager and a lover, and I love you for it. Yoshi's box should be here tomorrow...maybe Tuesday. I'm hoping and praying for a speedy "recovery" for him!! It will definitely be challenging to not have him around, especially when it comes to classes and things that HAVE to be done for the next day :/ But, my neighbor told me I could use his if I need to, so that's something! Ooook...and, this is a way long comment back to yours, haha. Buh-bye!

Stephen Powell said...

*gives monstrous epically fantastic hug* I am sorry the FT is tiring:( The fact is though, God wants you there and He will do great things through you; you can count on that:) I have been continuing to pray for you and I hope that your friendship with MC will continue to grow.

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