Over the course of the last 4-5 weeks I have been in the process of moving out of my gorgeous house on North Bardell into a little apartment off Dominik...and, in the process losing my amazing roommates of two years and getting a new one. Ah, change.
Moving everything out of the house into the gracious homes of about 5 other people wasn't too bad. Everyone was super helpful and accommodating (thank you, all!!). It's the moving in part that led to all the fun and games.
I moved in two Saturdays ago, and by moved in I mean I checked in with the management office, grabbed my keys, etc. dropped BigBoy in the bathroom of the apartment, threw a few bags and boxes into my new room and hit the road to Waco for Elaine's bachelorette party. THEN I came back to Aggieland and grabbed some boxes and things from B's spare room, set up my little pallet on the floor of my room and went to sleep in my Marmot sleeping bag.
I got a few more things from B's on Sunday and finished up getting ready for my final project presentation for my GIS class on Monday, and crashed on my pallet once more. Monday consisted of presenting, finishing my extra project (since I missed a week of class for the Entomophagous conference in MN), went to work for a few hours, and met up with Kacy and Justin to move my furniture from B's place. K and J were super amazing to drive up from Houston just to help me move - love them! We got my bed (hallelujah!!!) and the bulk of my furniture, all we were missing was the dining table, the couch and a chair. Pauler assisted me with the attainment of those Tuesday night, and rounding up the last bit of boxes from Tara's. The most exciting part of that was probably the HUGE bruise I ended up with from resting my uberly heavy dining table (which was housed at Pauler's) on my thigh...yeah, I'm awesome *dustin' off my shoulders*
Ok, so once I had everything moved in I started cleaning the kitchen cabinets and such so I could start putting up dishes and things...well, let me just say this: EWWWW!!! So, the 409 turned yellow when I sprayed it in the cabinets - yeah, 409 is clear... I also found a bunch of utensils and things that had been left on the top shelves by the previous tenants and were painted over by the painting crew. Awesome
But wait, it gets better!!! After pulling up the painted-over utensils and things, I moved on to another cupboard, where I found this:
Oh my, what a trip it has been and the semester hasn't even started yet. But, my mamma is coming tomorrow to help me spruce the place up a little bit and make it livable - I'm just a tintsy-wintsy bit excited :)
Maybe I'll blog about the conference tomorrow....
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