
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unpleasantly awakened.

So....I failed to mention something in my last entry, which is a sort of preface for this one, so I'll fill you in: I found a baby roach in my kitchen last night!!! Ok, let me be clear: I found a baby American Roach, NOT a baby Madagascan Hissing Roach - that would have made for a completely different story. American roaches are naaaaastay! They pretty much turn me into this little whimpy school girl who wants to die if one touches her. Yes, me, the entomologist is totally and completely GROSSED OUT by American roaches. Seriously, peeps, these things are crawling with germs and sick things so I highly recommend killing them dead on sight! *shudders* Well, let me continue with my story.

Circa 6:30 this lovely morning I am awakened by BigBoy (my big fluffy kitty) pouncing around my room. Initially I think nothing of it and figure he just has some wild, early morning hair. But as I groggily and blindly (glasses were in the bathroom...perfect.) watch him run and jump around I think to myself, "my, it sure does seem like he is chasing something real...." My stomach immediately sank as I recalled my horrifying experience in the kitchen last night: what if it's a roach..!?!?!? "Oh, this can NOT be happening!!! I cannot be having roaches running around my home!!!" So, I try to shine my cell phone light to see what he is chasing - because, I sure wasn't going to get out of bed and walk over to the light switch to flip on the light. When that fails I flip on my bedside lamp....BigBoy was, at this point, patting all around my jeans from yesterday. I'm thinking, "Great one of the few times I throw my clothes on the floor and there's going to be a roach running around in them" **seriously shudders**
Well, my fears were realized when I saw those two nasty little antennae followed by that horribly oblong, brown, crinkly (you know what I'm talking about if you've ever had a roaches legs stuck to you - alive, or dead), slimy body. I seriously wanted to cry - no joke. I know, I know, I'm a terrible excuse for an entomologist, but they just seriously freak me out!!!! thankfully in my laziness last night I also dropped my flip-flops on the floor right by my bed. I stealthily snatch up one of my flip-flops and wait in horrible anticipation for my villain to scurry *gulp* into reach of my "long arm." At this point if that nasty thing had somehow managed to touch me I have no doubt that I would have screamed like a little girl and most likely would have started bawling. *sigh* Finally the little devil comes close enough for me to whack it! So I do with all the force I can muster whilst awkwardly leaning out of my bed. Success!!! And I made contact! I am now rolled back over onto my bed, breathing deeply trying to chilax myself out so I can tromp across the apartment to get some paper towels to dispose of the nastiness that is legs-up on my bedroom floor, right in front of my bed. I suck it up and leap over the roach and promptly flip on ALL lights in the apartment to send any other lurkers into hiding (at this point I just would rather not know...) and make my way, cautiously, to the kitchen.
I come back to my room armed with TWO paper towels and a plastic grocery bag - this thing is NOT coming back to life, like roaches are notorious for doing, and wrecking havoc on my apartment/sleep again!!! After dancing around pathetically for a few moments I go in for the final kill and wrap up the nasty in my paper towels, flip the plastic bag over the bundle (I was definitely wearing the plastic bag as a, I'm such a sad excuse for a 22-yr-old.), throw that bundle inside yet another plastic bag and tie that bag off about 20 times. *sigh* The deed is done, now I can go back to sleep. Except that now I am awake and can't figure out how exactly I want to go about sanitizing my carpets....Ugh, lame.

Well, needless to say that first order of business today is to go to the store and pick up roach traps/killing agents/something! Anything! This cannot and will NOT keep happening - this you can be assured of. Oh my, what a start to the day. Hopefully this doesn't set the tone for the entirety of the day...that would not be a good thing.

I am going to try to snooze for a little bit longer before I head into work since I didn't get to bed until about 2. Hooray for the return of my insomnia! If this keeps up for a few more days it's meds time, baby!

Happy Tuesday to all - I hope your day is roach-free!!


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