
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Frozen Tundra...I want to like you...

...But, you are making it rather difficult by not allowing me to find a place to setup shop!! I mean, come on...I just wanna come and hang out with you and your cool (literally) self for a few years. Is that soooo much to ask?

Ok, I'll grant you that it's not entirely your fault that my roommate changed his mind...he's got a good thing going here in the TX, so I suppose we can let that one slide. But, help a sister out, yo!

All I want is an, at least, semi-affordable (p.s. - grammar gurus, what do you do in a situation like what you just read? Should it read, "a, at least, semi-affordable..." or, "an, at least, semi-affordable...???") apartment/duplex/rental/what-have-you that is within 5mi of my lab, that will let me bring my puppy dog and my kitty, and will let me do laundry in my own unit...without the need for quarters. I know...I know...that's kind of asking a lot, but is it really too much to ask??

And, yes, I am well aware that desiring for all of this to come to fruition within oh...a week and a half is indeedibly a lot to ask...but I'm asking. I'm begging. I'm even throwing in a, "Pretty please!!!" Complete with the cherry on top.

So, my dear, dear, Frozen Tundra, if you could please help me out in this one teeny, tiny way I will indeed love you forever...yes, forever.

Ugh...I need a vacation from life...wait...haven't I been on one of those for the last 7+ months??? just never ends, does it??

Well...I'm off to catch some shut-eye. I have another long day ahead of me tomorrow, a good day - I'm confident - but, long..,

Until next time.


P.S. - Frozen Tundra, I was serious...please help me won't be disappointed if you let me move in, promise.
P.P.S. - Readers, I'm not actually relying on my new place of residence to find a home for me, but I thought it was worth a try ;) I'm fully confident that God will continue to orchestrate this mess of a move as He has with everything else relating to the reason for the move...He is faithful, and I am trying to let go and rest in that comfort...but man, is it difficult when your flesh tells you to freak out and do it all yourself!!


skatej said...

We can help look! seriously, give me a budget. I'm good at looking at stuff.

T said...

ah dearie! bro bailed on you? =(

Stephen Powell said...

Maybe if you ask each of the 10,000 lakes your chances might be better? lol
Seriously though, God is with you and He wants you there so you're going. He will straighten this mess out. I guarantee it:)

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