
Friday, August 27, 2010

Who needs to GO to the state fair when...

...they televise pretty much the WHOLE thing! Win!

Oooh! And they did a segment today on canning - I never realized how easy it was. Just throw all your ingredients in a mason jar, close it up, and boil the jar in some watta! Hello project for next year! I'm thinking: balcony garden... Mmm, can't wait for next year's growing season!! I don't think I have enough time/energy/funds to catch the tail end of this year's.

Today was pretty crazy. I spent over an hour driving around Minneapolis looking for the Coffman building so I could get my U-card (translation: student ID card)...well, once I found the dreaded building I got inside to find a 2hr line...neat. Fun part is that I was supposed to meet SW right in the middle of all of this, fortunately her plans had changed she had to cancel today's meeting. Whew! I was still way frustrated with the whole ordeal. The U-Card website said that it would be painless and take just a few minutes to get it done...well, yes, U-Card office, I'm sure that on a "normal" day it is a cinch and takes no time at all...but guess what today was!! Freshman orientation...EFFF!

But, on a brighter note, I got my first piece of real mail today!! Ricci, I love you. That lovely little note was just what I needed. And, look at how lovely the card is!

So, today, Jake and I went on a was a little toasty, so we cut it short, but it was still nice and good to get out and breathe some fresh air. I really enjoy passing people who are out walking as well...I passed a cute couple with their probably 8-9mo old baby, a young mom with her daughter (could have been her little sister, I suppose...), and people getting home from work. So fun. I'm looking forward to taking more walks as it continues to cool down and before it gets too chilly.

And with that, my sweets, I am going to close.

Happy weekend!



Kacy said...

Ooh, I need your address!

Stephen Powell said...

hahahaha freshmen orientation....EFFFF indeed:) And balcony garden....YES:) I can't wait to see it next year! And definitely keep going on those walks before the Frozen Tundra begins to live up to its name;)

Miss Willow said...

Haha, I'll send it to you Kacy, love. I dooo have every intention of sending out "I've moved" cards...I just need to get paid first ;)

Stephen: don't you worry, there will indeed be picturas :) And more walks, fo sho!

carriehammie said...

bwahahahaha... freshman orientation.... silly young 'uns. sorry it was such a trouble for you! and expect your mail from ME soon!!! :)

Miss Willow said...

YAY!! I LOVE hammie mail!! It's the absolute best! Love you, lady! We need to Skype soooooon!!

Mom and Pop Pry said...

I'm glad there's a/c for you to turn on. There's not many things worse, to me, than feeling hot with no relief. The cool weather is probably about to descend. Thanks Heather for your encouraging post on Jake's blog and for bein' such a great friend. Hope you have/had a terrific day! :) Cheryl

Miss Willow said...

Thanks, so much - I'm hoping the cool weather descends soon - it's not hot, per-say, but it's not cool. I'm excited for fall here - colors!!!

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