
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


...for being a terrible blogger/online communicator of late. It's been a whirlwind the last few days, to say the very least.

Let's see...LOTS of work in the life...geesh, it's been a lot.

Things are going well in the lab.

Classes are, well...classes.

And life,

I tried a new church on Sunday. It wasn't bad. I just don't know that it's where I'll be calling home. I haven't given up hope on the search for the new church family, but I sure am tired. Thanks for the prayers, y'all. It really means the world to me.

Tonight we had the official departmental "Welcome Dinner" for the new grad students (from here on out I'm just going to refer to my "class" of grad students as my cohort...that's our technical term, and it's much more concise) and our new faculty member. It was fun, though short for some of us, as we had to hustle back to Hodson for our Scientific Illustration of Insects calss (my fav, thus far). The dinner also doubled as a farewell to Dave Ragsdale who is off to no place other than my beloved Aggieland to serve as my alma mater's department head! Ento Ags, y'all are getting a good one - I got to visit with him in March when I came up to the FT for the prospective student welcome thingy, and he's awesome. We've joke about how we are just trading spots...and yes, the joke was made again when the introduced me at the dinner tonight - it was pretty funny. I'm so excited for the Ento Dept at A&M, though. This will be a lovely breath of fresh air, I think.

I'm really missing Aggieland. The place, the people...maroon, Breakaway. Breakaway was held at Kyle Field tonight. Took me back to last year when it first started being held at Kyle's crazy to me how awesome God's power is. He put one of the largest on-campus devos on Kyle Field, y'all. I mean, really. So, so good. I really miss Breakaway. It was always such a wonderful extra pick-me-up between Sunday and the weekend. I heard God speak in so many ways through Ben and the different worship bands that came to lead us each week. It makes my heart sing just to think about all of those Aggies worshipping our Heavenly Daddy from those beloved three decks of Kyle Field. We had no home and He gave us a place to go.

Currently, Imogen Heap is playing on Criminal Minds...epic. Best timing ever...I was in need of some killer musical talent.

And now, my reader loves, I'm going to get back to the lit reading and head off to bed.

I'll try to work up an epic post for your reading pleasures by this weekend...I know this one is lizame. Again, my apologies.



Mom and Pop Pry said...

When Jake and Chris were 7 and 8 we left a church that had been home for 10 years to move to Huntsville and be on staff at a Christian retreat center on a 100 acre farm in the Sam Houston Nat'l Forest. It was exciting and we had "church" where we lived at the center. It was a good experience for a season but we began to miss church as we had known it. We looked each Sunday, but I think I was looking for a clone of our old church which left me feeling disappointed, not refreshed. We kept visiting where Pat felt comfortable and after a few weeks I began to enjoy it more and it began to feel like home. We've been there for 13 years now. I guess what I'm saying is that it may not feel like the right place right away. I'm sure that each day our sweet Heavenly Father is growing your "Minnesota family" and, because you love Him, you can see His encouragement all around you in lots of ways. I also know that some of us need "Jesus with skin on" to hold and comfort us. I'm praying that He will bring you dear friends to fill in the gap until those who love you can recharge your hug meter. :) Don't feel bad about short posts...each one is very appreciated and it's understood that your days are full. Thank you for taking the time to share.
Now, get out there and Rock that Ento department's world!! :] xoxoxo Mom Pry (Cheryl)

Miss Willow said...

Mom Pry, thank you. You are such an encouragement to me - you have no idea. I've been trying my hardest to not look for another Living Hope...there is no possible way that there could ever be a clone of it. That's hard to swallow some days, but I am trying to keep that in mind. I think part of my issue right now is that there are SO many churches up here...SO SO many. Makes me nervous that I'll "settle" at one and miss out on where I'm really supposed to be. And, my hug meter is definitely running on fumes right now...I need some hugs, for sure... I'll work on rockin' the ento department's world ;) Haha.

Stephen Powell said...

You will find a church, don't worry:) God has one out there for you. And trading places haha that is funny....and Breakway yes I miss it too but you do know the videos are online, right? I still watch them at and then click on the video tab:) And Imogen Heap on Criminal Minds? That's pretty epic!

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