
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welp...this is it...

Yoshi's box arrived the other day, but I wasn't able to pick it up until today, as I generally leave before our complex office opens (which is where the UPS guy deposited Yoshi's cardboard ambulance) and get home after it closes...this is an issue. So, since I don't have class 'til 10:40 on Wednesdays, I stayed home a bit later than usual so I could go pick up my package from the office. It was nice to see Mike again - it's been a while - and we had a nice little chat for a few minutes. He cracks me up...he definitely has my back if I need him - very good to know :)

So, now that I have the box, I have to get it off in the mail. I was going to wait until Monday, but upon opening the box and reading the shipping instructions, I discovered that I have to get the box (with Yoshi inside) back to them within a certain amount of time, or else my case number will expire and that would create quite the suckfest. So...I'm sending him away tomorrow. Which means, oh how it pains me to say it, I won't have him for the rest of this week, the weekend, and probably most, if not all, of next week. Depressing, to say the very least. This is going to make for some LONG days/nights up at the lab...I'm probably going to have to come home in the evenings, spend some quality time with Jakers, grab some grub, and then head back to the lab to finish homeworks and the like. Lame.

But, this week is going pretty well, all things considered. It's a touch lonely as of yet, but I deeply enjoy visiting with MC. She's wonderful and we just "click." Such a blessing. We had one of the sweetest visits Tuesday morning after class. We went off and found a little table we could sit at under some lovely trees and visited for probably a good hour and a half. I've missed having chats like that with all of you back home. Phone and Skype dates are one thing...but that personal, one-on-one interaction is just something that can't be substituted.

There isn't much else to report, to be honest. Oh! Except that I got new baby locks for my cabinets: Tot Loks ROCK! I came home today and my cabinets were not open and there was no trash strewn around my kitchen. Lovely :)

Well, I know this is short, but I need to get back to the homework...I still have a good 60 pages of reading to do for class tomorrow. Neat.

Lots of love!



Alyssa Anne said...

Whatever am I gonna do without my heather fixes on skype?? Guess we'll have to kick it old school and stick to texts and phone calls. I think tomorrow I will actually write my very first blog entry! Love and miss you!

Katy {and Kahler} said...

we will miss you here in the cyber-world, but i'm hoping Yoshi makes a full and quick recovery.

glad you found something to keep Jake out of the trash.

hope your good weeks spills over into your weekend! :)

and ps- thanks for the blog love. you are too, too kind.

Mom and Pop Pry said...

I'll miss you, sweet girl, and will be praying for you to be safe in the lab at night. Maybe there's a great church to be discovered this Sunday to help you through.

Hang in there, Honey, and know we're liftin' you up to the One who loves you the most. :)Love you! xxooxx MomPry

Jake said...

'Cardboard ambulance' perfect. Well I am sorry that you are going to have to spend lots of time up on campus. I know that it will be productive but, no where near as comfortable.

Glad you opened the box and didn't assume that you could take care of everything on the weekend like I would have. Know that all of your online peeps will miss you. Have a super weekend! And (echoing my mom) be careful.

Miss Willow said...

Alyssa: We can do it! We survived while you were in Haiti, didn't we...? And, yes..."old school" we shall kick it ;)

Katy: I'm gonna miss y'all, too! But, at least I have the ability to get access...even if it's a touch inconvenient.

Mom Pry: Thank you for being so sweet and uplifting, as always...your prayers mean the world!

Jake: Isn't it perfect?! I'm pretty satisfied :) And, I'll be careful...keys between fist of fingers!!!!

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